MooseUteHub2 started the topic in the forum Football 8 years, 1 month ago
My biggest complaint about the game Saturday was ARod calling a jet fly pass from Simpkins on 2nd and 4 as we were clearly able to run up the middle at will. The objective at that point should have been to get another first down, there was plenty of time remaining and we had two timeouts. 3rd and 4 and ARod calls another pass, late, looked like…[Read more]
MooseUteHub2 started the topic in the forum Football 8 years, 1 month ago
My biggest complaint about the game Saturday was ARod calling a jet fly pass from Simpkins on 2nd and 4 as we were clearly able to run up the middle at will. The objective at that point should have been to get another first down, there was plenty of time remaining and we had two timeouts. 3rd and 4 and ARod calls another pass, late, looked like…[Read more]
MooseUteHub2 replied to the topic Washington Game Observations in the forum Football 8 years, 1 month ago
Was your friend sitting in N25 when he yacked? I saw it and smelled it from where I was sitting, above him a couple rows. It was gross.
MooseUteHub2 became a registered member 8 years, 1 month ago