Utah @  Oklahoma State


  • pedro started the topic The November Slump in the forum Football 5 years, 10 months ago

    This week we have seen first hand why we go into a slump every year….. injuries.  Say what you will, but we still don’t have the depth we need to play in the PAC week in and week out.  Every class we get better, but we’re not there yet.  

  • pedro started the topic Radio coverage in the forum Football 5 years, 10 months ago

    As I listen to Mitchell on the post game, can I just say….  
    At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul”
    I hope all of you that wanted…[Read more]

  • pedro started the topic The throw game in the forum Football 5 years, 12 months ago

    Oh the irony……  Fans complain for years that Whit was too involved in the offense and that we needed to be throw oreiented first (numerous players have confirmed he wasn’t, but that’s another story).  Now we have an OC who has stated that Whit gives him free rein and many of those same fans are saying we should run more and it’s still Whit’s…[Read more]

  • pedro started the topic Coaches in the forum Football 6 years, 9 months ago

    Due to some family issues, I was unable to attend the game Saturday.  But two things stood out that absolutely drives me nuts.  We are not unique with this as I see this all the time.  In essence, it’s coaches out coaching themselves.  
    Example one:  We were basically steam rolling Colorado in the ground game.  Practically everytime we ran, we…[Read more]

  • pedro started the topic Coaches in the forum Football 6 years, 9 months ago

    Due to some family issues, I was unable to attend the game Saturday.  But two things stood out that absolutely drives me nuts.  We are not unique with this as I see this all the time.  In essence, it’s coaches out coaching themselves.  

    Example one:  We were basically steam rolling Colorado in the ground game.  Practically everytime we ran, we…[Read more]

  • First off, replacing Scalley would be a very shortsighted solution.  When you look at last year’s numbers, he did well.  Not great, but well.  We are spoiled in that regard and we are used to great.  
    This year, whether you want to or not, you have to look at injuries and the youth we have on the defensive side of the ball.  Losing Fitz and Anae…[Read more]

  • If you are never happy with what the team and coaches do, then go somewhere else!  For years Whit’s been criticized for offensive woes (and certainly he made a few blounders), but everytime he tried to fix it, the same folks complained about the number of OC’s we went through.
    Now, a coach many have criticized to no end for being ‘so damned…[Read more]

  • It’s tough right now with Anae part timing it, Fitz and Huntley out, we are a very average team. Hopefully others will seize the op.

  • pedro started the topic Coach Whit in the forum Football 7 years ago

    It boggles my mind how much disrespect coach Whit gets.  IIRC, he is the winningest active coach in the PAC right now.  Has us in the top 25 every year (but 2?).  Yet everything he does get’s scrutinized and questioned.  There is always room for improvement, but that shouldn’t detract from the respect the man truly deserves, yet it does.
    The…[Read more]

  • Don’t know for sure if there is any merit to it, but I hear Daniel Langi is seriously considering transferring from USU to BYU when he get’s home from his mission.  His little bro just committed there and of course we all know about his big bro.  Daniel’s a beast and would be a good get for them.  He still holds the state record for the most…[Read more]

  • pedro changed their profile picture 7 years, 7 months ago

  • pedro started the topic The OC in the forum Football 7 years, 8 months ago

    Let me first say that I am a Whit supporter.  You don’t win 8, 9 or 10 games a year in the PAC 12 without knowing what you’re doing.
    Now, I have watched probably 3 hours of Eastern Washinton games since the hire.  It was fun to watch.  However, I do wonder if that style of play will translate to PAC 12 caliber games.  The offense seems to be…[Read more]

  • Thank you.  I’ve been trying to be civil whenever I’ve seen folks accuse Whit of Micro-managing the O, but it was getting way too tiring.  It’s sad that so many believe anything that is on the internet.  Rumors become fact way too quickly.  


  • Two young men that I know very well have played up at the U. One graduated last year and one several years back. Whit does review game plans and will even state his opinion on how we should approach the game. However, once the game starts, Whit does not get involved at all with the play calling unless it’s a special situation, like going for it…[Read more]

  • Agreed. However it illustrates the point that our ‘normal’ offense is pathetic.

  • pedro started the topic Arod in the forum Football 7 years, 8 months ago

    If A Rod is still employed a week from now, I will have to question my own support of Whit.  Players playing without emotion (minus Joe), horrible play calling, bad exectution, etc.. all go back to the OC.  Players need direction, discipline and a plan they know can succeed.  Running a QB sweep two plays in a row when we needed 10 is just one…[Read more]

  • pedro started the topic Arod in the forum Football 7 years, 8 months ago

    If A Rod is still employed a week from now, I will have to question my own support of Whit.  Players playing without emotion (minus Joe), horrible play calling, bad exectution, etc.. all go back to the OC.  Players need direction, discipline and a plan they know can succeed.  Running a QB sweep two plays in a row when we needed 10 is just one…[Read more]

  • pedro started the topic Officiating in the forum Basketball (Men) 7 years, 9 months ago

    I just finally was able to sit down and watch the game.  I’ve officiated HS ball for 16 years and I’ve never seen some many horrible calls and non-calls in a long time.  Glad we won the game, but I am shockec coach K didn’t get booted as I would have been going bizerck. 

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