PhiladelphiaUte replied to the topic Spam cleaning… in the forum Ute Hub Site 4 days, 20 hours ago
Thanks for cleaning that up Tony, but you’re on vacation right now. So enjoy yourself, and do it later. You’ve earned it!
PhiladelphiaUte replied to the topic Bad news for BYU fans: OSU fan loves Utah fans in the forum They So Poo Poo 5 days, 9 hours ago
Can’t hide from the “numbers” either. Although they’ll try. Over here, they’re consoling themselves by dismissing the veracity of a CNBC reporting showing the value of University of Utah’s athletic department continuing to rank above ybu-p’s.
PhiladelphiaUte replied to the topic Kevin Young will NEVER beat Craig Smith! in the forum Basketball (Men) 3 weeks, 5 days ago
That sounds like the sort of “small victories” zoob nation is famous for inventing. And similar to zoob nation’s tradition of celebrating premature victories, it’s not necessarily entirely accurate either. Smith could conceivably go on to lead some other weak program, that the tdS might schedule in the preseason as one of their traditional body…[Read more]
PhiladelphiaUte replied to the topic It's time for a major overhaul IMO in the forum Football 3 weeks, 6 days ago
I had that very same feeling LAST year. In fact, I’d predicted 2024 was going to be THE year, all the way back in 2022.
And then we lost our QB in ’23 and ’24.
And now, the guy we got coming in for ’25 is a less talented version of the guys we’d had back in ’03, 04, ’08, ’12-’15, ’19, ’21, and ’22.
Just because we got a new guy, that doesn’t…[Read more]
PhiladelphiaUte replied to the topic Craig Smith gone in the forum Basketball (Men) 3 weeks, 6 days ago
Not a fan of firing a coach “midseason”. Should have waited until after the final buzzer.
PhiladelphiaUte replied to the topic Should Utah have given Coach K one more year? in the forum Basketball (Men) 1 month ago
Admittedly, I don’t really care too much about basketball (college or NBA), but I liked Krystkowiak, and thought his termination was premature. That said, I believe that there was a cancer in the locker room, and I’m not sure how much he had to do with that. I don’t know if he was personally the primary reason why all those recruits couldn’t…[Read more]
PhiladelphiaUte replied to the topic New commit in the forum Football 1 month, 1 week ago
The reason he’s not rated on 247 (or Rivals for that matter) is because he’s primarily a “lacrosse” player. This guy has been committed to Utah for LAX for a couple of years now.
I like his “size”, and “16 sacks” also looks REAL good. And since his scholarship is for lacrosse, I can’t see any downside to him practicing with the team, in hopes…[Read more]
PhiladelphiaUte replied to the topic POTUS in the forum Politics 1 month, 1 week ago
I will.
He is!
PhiladelphiaUte replied to the topic 2025 Schedule released…finally in the forum Football 1 month, 2 weeks ago
Utah doesn’t play Arizona this year.
I hate being in the same conference as ybu-p.
I don’t mind so much reuniting with TCU though.
PhiladelphiaUte replied to the topic 2025 Schedule released…finally in the forum Football 1 month, 2 weeks ago
The Big XII also gave Arizona St and Colorado byes in their games leading up to Utah.
PhiladelphiaUte replied to the topic 2025 Schedule released…finally in the forum Football 1 month, 2 weeks ago
I’m still nonplussed about the Pac-12 imploding, and resulting in our migration to the Big 12 (I would have preferred the ACC), but as far as we’re here…
…I like the flow of this schedule. Here are the reasons why…
1. There are no back-to-back roadies.
It goes without saying that the probability of a “win” decreases the further away…[Read more] -
PhiladelphiaUte replied to the topic The Utah Lacrosse team upset #19 Ohio St this afternoon, 19-13…. in the forum Other Ute Sports 1 month, 2 weeks ago
As a follow-up, the Utah Lacrosse team entered the Wk-1 polls ranked 19th.
Ohio St fell out of the polls entirely.
Delaware is still receiving votes.
PhiladelphiaUte started the topic The Utah Lacrosse team upset #19 Ohio St this afternoon, 19-13…. in the forum Other Ute Sports 1 month, 2 weeks ago
…in Columbus, in a game that was sadly not broadcast.
Utah raced out to a commanding 7-2 lead early in the 2nd-Qtr, but Ohio St was able to methodically close that gap with 4 unanswered goals of their own, midway thru the 2nd-Qtr. While the Utes never trailed in this game, Ohio St kept it close, until Utah managed to open a strong 4th-Qtr,…[Read more]
PhiladelphiaUte replied to the topic Pupualii Sepuloa Ratings Bump in the forum Football 1 month, 3 weeks ago
Rivals still has him as a low-rated 3-star DE though.
PhiladelphiaUte replied to the topic Comments from admin in the forum Ute Hub Site 1 month, 3 weeks ago
Don’t change a thing Tony. Your site is perfectly fine the way it is. If someone is asking you to delete his account, let him go. This is your site. Not his. And the rest of us here are all privileged to visit it. This guy sounds high maintenance to me. If he doesn’t want to be a part of UteHub, he can just stop visiting your site. I fail…[Read more]
PhiladelphiaUte replied to the topic Rising not on 2025 Roster in the forum Football 2 months, 1 week ago
If Rising wants to go pro, what are his chances? After all, he’d only played sparingly in 3 games over the past 2 years. I would think that with his history of injuries, coupled with not a lot of recent tape on him, he has practically no chance to even pick up a free agent contract. And even with a free agent contract, wouldn’t he be making…[Read more]
PhiladelphiaUte replied to the topic Broderick Redden in the forum Football 2 months, 3 weeks ago
“Utah FB Portal/Recruiting News: Utah TE target Broderickr Redden commits to Utah as a PWO. He’ll be a good pass catcher and blocker. Both UNLV and New Mexico were seeking his services, among others.”
PhiladelphiaUte replied to the topic Only-U Kenobi in the forum Football 2 months, 4 weeks ago
Thanks for the vote of confidence. I hadn’t been taking these transfers very well. It feels like after the results of just one year, we’d effectively squandered years of hard work, and strong recruiting, and lost all our momentum. Two years ago, when there was speculation that the BigTen might expand, Utah was sitting pretty high in the catbird…[Read more]
PhiladelphiaUte replied to the topic Whitt in the forum Football 2 months, 4 weeks ago
Yeah, the zoobs might have been encouraged by another season-ending injury to Cam Rising, and are believing they’d successfully “wished-it-into-fruition”, and had decided to give it another go by hoping Whittingham elects to step down.
PhiladelphiaUte replied to the topic Zurbrugg commits in the forum Football 3 months ago
Correct you are chinngiskhaan. Per the rating services, this new QB room is less impressive than the ineffective one we’d just finished with.
At least this guy is north of 200-lbs. Even if just barely. If we’re going to insist on deploying the dual-threat QBs, we’re going to need a durable one who can weather the inevitable hits he’s going to…[Read more]
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