ragtownute replied to the topic Who's going to the SHIP? in the forum Football 6 years, 4 months ago
The players call it the ship. That’s been a popular term with high school and college athletes for about 3 years now.
ragtownute started the topic DIVISION CHAMPIONS!!!! in the forum Football 6 years, 4 months ago
GO UTES!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ragtownute replied to the topic I think I liked it better when in the forum Football 6 years, 5 months ago
Penalties are part of the game. Every team has to deal with them in every game.
You have to judge by final outcomes, not if this, then that zoob logic.Utes have been losers in this league, and I’d say most of the blame goes to the offense and fill in the blank OC.
The defense makes it easy. Score 30 points and we win. Only a couple other P…[Read more]
ragtownute started the topic Bowl chances not looking good. in the forum Football 6 years, 5 months ago
We have four more winnable games. Win three and we’ll need a good upset to finish 6-6.
The worst part is thinking about Huntley being our QB again next year. -
ragtownute replied to the topic Anyone else find it odd how @onlyu has gone silent since the UW game? in the forum Football 6 years, 6 months ago
Good to hear the team sounds mentally prepared. I hope there are contingency plans in place if we don’t score more than one offensive touchdown again.
Any insight as to root causes of scoring ineptitude?
ragtownute started the topic 3rd Down in the forum Football 6 years, 6 months ago
9/19…the offense is improving on 3rd down. Baby steps.
Go Utes! -
ragtownute replied to the topic Huntley Change at Quarterback? in the forum Football 6 years, 6 months ago
This is wrong. There are different throws for different routes and distances. Anyone who knows anything about playing QB knows you don’t fire a fastball on a rope to every receiver every time…
ragtownute replied to the topic I’ve never seen a player take as many shots and still perform like Covey tonight in the forum Football 6 years, 6 months ago
He can take a hit that he can absorb while running with the football. It’s those hits that you take where youre still in the act of securing the ball that hurt.
You’re right that he does take chances for the extra yardage.
ragtownute replied to the topic Covey: "we don't have an identity" in the forum Football 6 years, 6 months ago
Or just see if there is another QB that can run the offense and make a variety of throws. Jason and Jack now deserve some meaningful reps. This is 3 games of crap from the offense. Give the kids a shot.
ragtownute started the topic I’ve never seen a player take as many shots and still perform like Covey tonight in the forum Football 6 years, 6 months ago
Remarkable athlete. Shame on Huntley and Taylor for putting him in such bad spots.
ragtownute started the topic I’ve never seen a player take as many shots and still perform like Covey tonight in the forum Football 6 years, 6 months ago
Remarable athlete. Shame on Huntley and Taylor for putting him such bad spots.
ragtownute replied to the topic Huntley needs to go in the forum Football 6 years, 6 months ago
Anyone that thinks Huntley is a good quarterback never played football or doesn’t understand the position. He’s a great athlete that can throw the ball hard and straight. That’s it. He has no pocket awareness, can’t read a defense, can’t make a decision fast enough, doesn’t alter his ball for position of player, spacing of defense, or distance of…[Read more]
ragtownute replied to the topic It’s early to be calling for heads to roll… in the forum Football 6 years, 6 months ago
Go read my posts from last year when I was bullied off the board for suggesting KW wasn’t the guy. I don’t believe he is. He puts a good defense on the field and even with a dog shit offense we’ve been able to win games.
This team is likely to get to six wins. The question at the end of the year will be is everyone satisfied with another lower…[Read more]
ragtownute started the topic It’s early to be calling for heads to roll… in the forum Football 6 years, 6 months ago
but this offense is inept with Huntley at the helm. Shelley and Tuttle should get a shot against WSU.
ragtownute started the topic Utah v. West Virginia in the Heart of Dallas bowl in the forum Football 7 years, 3 months ago
ragtownute replied to the topic So is the Gary Anderson thing happening? in the forum Football 7 years, 3 months ago
I think there is a fair amount of risk here. If Gary can quietly understand his role and defer to Morgan, then it could be great.
If there is any whiff of Gary big-timing Morgan, it would undermine defensive chemistry in a big way, and Morgan’s defense still needs to develop their identity.
High risk, high reward IMO.
ragtownute replied to the topic For all the KW fan-boys and lifetime loyalty folks in the forum Football 7 years, 3 months ago
Lol…is this real?
ragtownute replied to the topic For all the KW fan-boys and lifetime loyalty folks in the forum Football 7 years, 3 months ago
So salty and sentimental around here! If “fan-boy” hurt your feelings, I apologize for being too rough with your egos. Hammer you’re a tough guy, so relax.
ragtownute replied to the topic todd graham vs kwhitt in the forum Football 7 years, 3 months ago
Utah, two of your questions don’t have answers that are going to change. And the recruiting isn’t going to necessarily get better if we don’t keep the Florida pipeline alive. So to play Devil’s advocate which everyone around here hates so much, do we get better than ASU? Weather, weirdness, recruiting are always going to be challenges.
ragtownute replied to the topic For all the KW fan-boys and lifetime loyalty folks in the forum Football 7 years, 3 months ago
I just used Hammer’s link. You guys should too and actually read my posts for the actual assertions I’m clearly making before you go slapping each other on the ass in celebration.I’m a Ute just like you guys and I’m not trying to slam on anyone or our football program. I have a legitimate questions about the expectations we have of Kyle and the…[Read more]
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