rbmw263 started the topic holy war full game replay in the forum Basketball (Men) 1 year, 3 months ago
anyone by chance know where i can find a full replay of the game? Forgot to set it to record
rbmw263 replied to the topic Incredible Video That Shows Top 20 Athletic Facilities in the forum Football 1 year, 3 months ago
the us government is a pretty big booster
rbmw263 replied to the topic Paging OnlyUdolph the Red Nose Ute Reindeer in the forum Football 1 year, 3 months ago
wondering if the longer this Vaki situation draws out is a good thing or bad thing
rbmw263 replied to the topic This year is as good a year as any to crash the playoffs in the forum Football 1 year, 5 months ago
There legitimately may be 3 top 5 level teams in this conference. It’d be a great year to make it, but man we are going to have to really earn it.
rbmw263 replied to the topic Magnitude of Friday in the forum Football 1 year, 5 months ago
the road to 6-2 (ie 10-2) starts this week. I still think we can get there if we lose this one, but we’d have to be completely healthy and get a bit lucky in LA or Seattle and obviously no room for error anywhere else.
Huge game, cant wait. These games are what its all about man.
rbmw263 started the topic This year is as good a year as any to crash the playoffs in the forum Football 1 year, 5 months ago
still early but there does not appear to be a single completely dominant team in CFB. If we can get healthy and supplement this defense with a top 20 offense (at least as good as last year), we could be seriously competitive in the CFP.
Obviously its going to be as tough a year as any to get there with how good the pac 12 is. But if we are able…[Read more]
rbmw263 replied to the topic Utah Fanbase in the forum Football 1 year, 5 months ago
ball handling problems are very fixable and its far from sure hes going to have multiple turnovers a game.
Id rather have the ball handling issues than him making terrible decisions and throwing it right to defenders.
rbmw263 started the topic Did anybody in the media ask why JJ played against Weber State? in the forum Football 1 year, 6 months ago
We all know hes had lingering ankle problems and tweaked it in that game. Jackson is obviously going to want to play every damn down he can until his legs fall off. Coaches letting him play in that game is a fucking disaster imo.
rbmw263 replied to the topic We Can Still Win Without Cam in the forum Football 1 year, 6 months ago
find a way…lets fucking go Nate
rbmw263 replied to the topic USC doesn't scare me in the forum Football 1 year, 6 months ago
can anybody explain why Riley doesnt understand the only thing standing between him and a title is having a elite DC?
rbmw263 replied to the topic USC doesn't scare me in the forum Football 1 year, 6 months ago
until we stop sucking on the road i am somewhat afraid of every single road game.
rbmw263 replied to the topic Florida called Cam Rising to gauge his interest in transferring in the forum Football 1 year, 6 months ago
for the record i fully support opposing fans being confident. Its way more fun in the lead up rather than them being like “yeah we need a miracle to win this game”
rbmw263 started the topic Florida called Cam Rising to gauge his interest in transferring in the forum Football 1 year, 6 months ago
You already have Florida fans being crazy confident, first game of the year, and the revenge factor. Now this?
i am fucking juiced for this game man. LFG
rbmw263 replied to the topic Come at us, Ricky in the forum Football 1 year, 6 months ago
helps that our team just plays a shit ton better at home
rbmw263 replied to the topic Thoughts on Utah vs Florida OL/DL? in the forum Football 1 year, 7 months ago
i noticed this before the game last year and I honestly think it was a huge factor in the game. Utah was more talented but UF was much bigger and got a lot more push on both lines
rbmw263 replied to the topic Utes in the NFL in the forum NFL 1 year, 7 months ago
you are doing gods work
rbmw263 started the topic Id love to see us use JJ in a "reverse" RPO in the forum Football 1 year, 7 months ago
since Jackson announced he was changing to a RB, ive had this vision of handing off to him in a off tackle stretch run that turns into a RPO with him and either the TE or outside WR
Imagine the outside WR locked in a block with JJ sprinting to the sideline, WR block and release on a go route and JJ pulls up and lobs it over the top. This could…[Read more]
rbmw263 replied to the topic I am really, really sad about the death of the PAC in the forum Pac-12 1 year, 7 months ago
Its really sad. Im going to miss being in a conference with Oregon/USC etc a lot
rbmw263 started the topic I have never seen any fan base collectively try as hard for anything in the forum They So Poo Poo 1 year, 7 months ago
as byu fans did campaigning against Utah joining the big 12. They said that Utah did not have an invite and did not provide any value.
And the very minute Utah wanted to join the big 12 they were in. They are down so bad right now they cant even enjoy the the death of the pac 12, and they hate the pac 12 more than anything (after us). Hilarious.
rbmw263 started the topic Sharp College football did a great deep Utah breakdown in the forum Football 1 year, 8 months ago
im not able to link it (tony see below) but definitely recommend searching the vid on Youtube. One thing he talked about, that if it has been discussed i have not seen it, is there are major questions in our secondary. Statistically the weakest area on the team by far, and the eye test matched with constant blown coverages and just major execution…[Read more]
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