deleted's profile was updated 4 years, 8 months ago
deleted replied to the topic Interesting read… in the forum Football 7 years, 2 months ago
deleted replied to the topic U of U president David Pershing Stepping Down in the forum Misc 7 years, 9 months ago
I don’t know the particularities of your beef with Pershing, but I have a hard time believing that athletics suffered under his tenure. And if a guy is going to chose between being a minor league NFL team and the school’s actual reason for existing, I sure hope it’s going to be the latter. (What is athletics witout academics? Boise State.)
He’s…[Read more]
deleted replied to the topic U of U president David Pershing Stepping Down in the forum Misc 7 years, 9 months ago
I don’t know the particularities of your beef with Pershing, but I have a hard time believing that athletics suffered under his tenure. And if a guy is going to chose between being a minor league NFL team and the school’s actual reason for existing, I sure hope it’s going to be the latter. (What is athletics witout academics? Boise State.)
He’s…[Read more]
deleted replied to the topic My apologies to ESPN in the forum Football 7 years, 10 months ago
Who complained about being hit by an uninsured illegal alien? And why didn’t the hitee have under/uninsured motorist coverage? Shit happens. I’d expect someone of assets valued at several million dollars to carry insurance that would make the at-fault driver’s origins a non-concern.
deleted replied to the topic Currently losing by 20 at home to Arlington in Rd 1. lol. in the forum Basketball (Men) 7 years, 11 months ago
Go easy on them. This is literally all they have in the sports world. Having said that, I’m certainly not above laughing at our NIT turnout. BSU always shivs us each time we take our eyes off them.
deleted started the topic Slow day… so what the hell… in the forum Misc 8 years ago
I think I found the first post (still available) on the old UFN. Do you guys remember New York? -
deleted started the topic Gottfired in the forum Basketball (Men) 8 years ago
What is Crimson who really liked him? Wait, I can’t remember the details but I recall many angry Utes over Chris Hill’s reticence in hiring Gottfried.
deleted replied to the topic EWU / Taylor offense in the forum Football 8 years ago
I have nightmares of the 2014 WSU, 2017 NC, and frankly the second half of the Superbowl with this kind of offense. I love the hit them quickly and hard at the beginning of games, but a gassed defense in the fourth quarter is often a byproduct of quick strike offenses. Hopefully a powerful run game remains a component of Taylor + Utah.
deleted started the topic To Chris aka Webmonkey… in the forum Ute Hub Site 8 years ago
I moved to Seattle for grad school in the fall of 2002. Far removed from Utah fans and without cable television in the room I rented, I was unable to watch the BYU/Utah game that year. I looked up the result on ESPN that night. We won and I felt celebratory! I found Utefans shortly thereafter so I could e-share the victory with fellow Utes. I…[Read more]
deleted started the topic To Chris aka Webmonkey… in the forum Ute Hub Site 8 years ago
I moved to Seattle for grad school in the fall of 2002. Far removed from Utah fans and without cable television in the room I rented, I was unable to watch the BYU/Utah game that year. I looked up the result on ESPN that night. We won and I felt celebratory! I found Utefans shortly thereafter so I could e-share the victory with fellow Utes. I…[Read more]
deleted started the topic To Chris aka Webmonkey… in the forum Ute Hub Site 8 years ago
I moved to Seattle for grad school in the fall of 2002. Far removed from Utah fans and without cable television in the room I rented, I was unable to watch the BYU/Utah game that year. I looked up the result on ESPN that night. We won and I felt celebratory! I found Utefans shortly thereafter so I could e-share the victory with fellow Utes. I…[Read more]
deleted started the topic GO UTES!!! in the forum Football 8 years ago
Great day to be a UTE!
deleted replied to the topic Tufele to USC in the forum Football 8 years ago
They do that to every state. I can’t fault any kid who goes to USC or Standford if they have the chance. We all would have done the same.
deleted replied to the topic The OC in the forum Football 8 years, 1 month ago
Wait, Oregon (in CK’s last year) only scored 14 against a world class defense? So are we affirming that it doesn’t work against the best defenses?
I’m skeptical, but fully support KW’s hire at least until he’s had a couple of years.
deleted replied to the topic The OC in the forum Football 8 years, 1 month ago
WSU played in a similar bowl to us and lost to a team whose D kocked them around. I’ll withhold judgment until I see the product on the field, but I’m skeptical right now for all the reasons pedro brought up.
deleted replied to the topic Aaron Roderick in the forum Football 8 years, 1 month ago
Wow lefty…I’m about done with the interview too. I guess eye of the beholder here. I think he was very classy and very quick accept that the results weren’t there, that’s the nature of this business, and he just didn’t get it done. C’mon, he spent 25 minutes defending KW, the Utes, Travis Wilson, and TW2. What would you have him do? Say I suck,…[Read more]
deleted replied to the topic Possible Replacement for OC? in the forum Football 8 years, 1 month ago
Yes. Harding will be OC. If his departure wasn’t announced, he’s the guy.
deleted changed their profile picture 8 years, 1 month ago
deleted became a registered member 9 years, 1 month ago