rudeute replied to the topic Best individual performances of the PAC-12 era in the forum Pac-12 7 months, 3 weeks ago
I know you said individual performances, but one game that popped in my head was defensive performance @ UCLA in 2014. UCLA quaterback Brett Hundley was a media favorite, but the Utah defense put him on his back 10 times, with four of them coming via Nate Orchard. In a game where Travis Wilson left the game early, and Kendal Thompson had to play…[Read more]
rudeute replied to the topic I want one of these t-shirts! in the forum Football 1 year ago
I have bought a few things from his website before. He does a good job, but it can take a few weeks.
rudeute started the topic Gymnastics Tickets Vs. Washington in the forum Other Ute Sports 2 years, 2 months ago
Hey Ute-Hubbers, I have a pair of lower bowl tickets for the Gymnastics meet tomorrow (1/28 @ 12:45pm) that I can’t use. I paid $50 for the two tickets, but would be willing to sell them for less just to make sure they get used by someone. Message me if you are interested.
rudeute started the topic in the forum Misc 3 years, 5 months ago
Is anyone on this board looking to buy two tickets to the UCLA game? I unfortunately will not be able to use mine, and would rather sell them to someone here than list them on KSL. They are not the best seats in the house, but I have had them since 2008, and there are good people around me. Section W15, row 57, directly up from the north goal…[Read more]
rudeute started the topic UCLA Tickets For Sale in the forum Misc 3 years, 5 months ago
Is anyone on this board looking to buy two tickets to the UCLA game? I unfortunately will not be able to use mine, and would rather sell them to someone here than list them on KSL. They are not the best seats in the house, but I have had them since 2008, and there are good people around me. Section W15, row 57, directly up from the north goal…[Read more]
rudeute started the topic Tickets for the Arizona Game in the forum Football 6 years, 5 months ago
I will unforntunately not be able to make it to the Arizona game next week. I have two tickets in W15, toward the top of the stadium. Message me if interested.
rudeute started the topic Boobie Horn in the forum Football 7 years, 6 months ago
How do we get the jubotron to show this clip everytime Boobie Hobs has a good punt return?
rudeute changed their profile picture 7 years, 8 months ago
rudeute replied to the topic Ute Hub iOS APP NOW AVAILABLE! in the forum Ute Hub Site 7 years, 8 months ago
Darn, I liked us Android users having a cool new app first for once!
rudeute replied to the topic Top Returning Safeties (passer rating against) in the forum Football 7 years, 8 months ago
Picket from UCLA wins for best name for a safety though!
rudeute started the topic Love the app in the forum Ute Hub Site 7 years, 8 months ago
First time poster here. I just wanted to thank Tony for all the work on the app. It works great, and makes it that much easier to check in on the great site he is building. It may even get me to post more, rather than just lurk all the time!
rudeute became a registered member 8 years, 1 month ago