Utah @  Houston


  • if ASU beats USC (and I think they will) then it will make me feel a bit better about last weekend…not the blow out, but that I’ll understand we were essentially looking past and fatigued against a MUCH BETTER than anticipated team.

    That being said…it will also make me feel shittier about losing by 1pt to USC.

  • RUUTES replied to the topic If you like silver linings… in the forum Football 7 years ago

    I remember that…then I take a hammer and hit myself in the head till I forget again. I FRIGGIN HATE that game. It’s a waste. We have nothing to gain, no exposure, no ranking, nothing.

    Replace them with SDSU, Kansas, or….USU! Yes USU! Please!

  • RUUTES replied to the topic If you like silver linings… in the forum Football 7 years ago

    I went back and read my predictions of a 7-5 season and while I’m feeling a bit like that was overly optimistic, I also went into this season thinking TOTAL REBUILD YEAR…and that’s what we are getting.

    Wish we’d stop scheduling total scrubs in our first 3 games. We don’t need world killers…but how about a Wyoming, a Kansas, and a Duke or…[Read more]

  • RUUTES replied to the topic Well then… in the forum Football 7 years ago

    The D came out flat everywhere except in the redzone. That wasn’t on the O in the first quarter when ASU was able to drive and score 3 times. That’s a D that hasn’t done key things for weeks (or against decent Offenses) this year. I’m not sure what’s going on, but we aren’t performing on D the same as in years past. I DO see the 3rd and 4th Q…[Read more]

  • 1. USC this week makes me think the close week last week wasn’t really about us as much as it was about them.
    2. USC losing always makes me feel a bit happier.
    3. Us losing always makes me feel fairly shitty about the whole football I don’t care about USC as much as I normally would.

  • RUUTES replied to the topic Thoughts in the forum Football 7 years ago

    TH looked a lot like TW imho…he dialed in almost exclusively on his right side and never scanned the field. HE DID HAVE TIME. But his throwing motion seemed way off on anything down field. I strongly suspect that’s why we resorted to almost 100% screen passes and became laughably predictable. What that means to me is that TH wasn’t close to…[Read more]

  • RUUTES replied to the topic Worked all day. Saw the score in the forum Football 7 years ago

    be glad you worked all day. I wish I’d been somewhere making money instead of the SEZ in the shade shivering while the team’s play slowly killed me inside. Yes, a nice day of work and money would have been a better option. Then I’d have just thought WTF? instead of having watched the long, slow, painful thud of our team falling down.

    Do not…[Read more]

  • RUUTES replied to the topic Huntley's learning curve in the forum Football 7 years ago

    He looked hurt with his arm hanging close to the half. His down field throws were all off and he never tried to throw back to the right. It was clear he wasn’t close to 100% and if I’m Chris Hill I’m on the phone to Kyle yelling about player health. Its one thing to think Maybe the kids healthy enough…but 2 quarters answered that question…[Read more]

  • I have seen all three and I agree. Also check out Slither (and listen to the song at the end), as well as a nutty irish import called Grabbers.

  • the 3 scores in 3 drives to start the game was at least partly on the D. Honestly no part of this team looked amped for the game. Honestly can’t explain it. Huntley looked like he wasn’t healthy enough to come back but everyone was off. It felt a lot like the game in Varsity Blues the morning after the strip club.

  • Can we offer suggestions about where the meteor should land?

  • I have to remind myself that almost every team feels this every year. Except for about 10 who make money from this and who are always in NY Bowls..everyone else is on a roller coaster.

    Lots to be frustrated about…but while talent and coaching both factor in…health and luck do too.

    I feel you today though…I really do. I am uninspired to…[Read more]

  • RUUTES replied to the topic Two concerns about Huntley in the forum Football 7 years ago

    Yep I don’t blame Huntley for today because anyone watching could see he couldn’t throw across his body and early on his right arm was just hanging. Kid is still hurt and should NOT have played the entire game, if at all. We should have learned with Wynn about this but nope…lets ruin the kids to hail mary one game while we risk not just a…[Read more]

  • We need a sports psychologist to straighten out our coaching because somehow we make the same mistakes over and over each year.

  • Something psychological is going on since last week.  We don’t look 1/3 as good as our team that just lost twice.  Did someone psych us out or get the whole team hung over last night?  ASU doesn’t look great but we look like IDaho State our there so far.

  • The way he was holding his arm the last couple plays makes me think he’s still hurt and we are going to ruin him like we did Jordan Wynn

  • RUUTES replied to the topic Tempe 12 in the forum Football 7 years ago

    Honestly I expected better. I suspect the Eugene 12 would blow them away.

  • RUUTES replied to the topic KW's pac12 record in the forum Football 7 years ago

    Yes, KWhitt is the right man for the job. He’s in it for the long haul and he’s made changes in the last couple years that have lined us up for serious success.

    Been there for 2 undeafeated seasons is more than how many coaches can say?
    This year we’d have shocked everyone if it weren’t for a Starting QB injury…again how many Pac-12 teams…[Read more]

  • RUUTES replied to the topic Did Whitt make the right call in the forum Football 7 years ago


    It was the right call. Even with TW, I think we make the 2pt conversion 40% of the time and we DID get a receiver open. But TW’s inability to look up killed the play. It wasn’t like a PAT attempt but a PAT only gave us OT.

    Now I will almost ALWAYS go for OT…but frankly beginning in the 3rd quarter it looked like we were getting gassed…[Read more]

  • Shhhh you’ll ruin the surprise ;D

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