RUUTES replied to the topic Covey? in the forum NFL 1 month, 2 weeks ago
Sad he didn’t get to play a snap. But very happy his Rudy like story ends with a Super Bowl ring nonetheless.
Hope his neck is okay.
RUUTES replied to the topic Super Bowl 59 – KC vs Philly in the forum NFL 1 month, 2 weeks ago
372 +/- 3
RUUTES replied to the topic Mammoth, Outlaws, or HC… what you like? in the forum NHL 1 month, 3 weeks ago
I think Yeti was the best and we should have worked out some kind of corporate sponsorship agreement. Oh well. Guess it won’t matter because at the current prices I’ll probably not get too attached to going to games let alone buying gear.
RUUTES started the topic Bowl Game Absurdity in the NIL/Portal Era in the forum Football 2 months, 4 weeks ago
We’re seeing an unprecedented number of starters just quitting teams or sitting during the post season because bowls “don’t matter” this has been a growing issue of course. But now we see a whole new level of manipulation and cynicism.
Last night’s Pop Tart bowl (and no I’ll never recover from the fact that name exists) was an amazing example.…[Read more]
RUUTES replied to the topic “I’m leaving for the money, end of story.” Be a pro if you want pro money in the forum Football 3 months ago
people get funny about things. This entire NIL PORTAL Circus is new to the kids. They are not yet pros in their own minds. They were recruited to colleges with the old “Tradition, loyalty, whatever” pitch. So some of this is ingrained. At least for now.
They are saying what 100 years of tradition has told them they should say. But it’ll…[Read more]
RUUTES replied to the topic Whitt in the forum Football 3 months ago
the echo chamber is strong down south.
RUUTES started the topic NIL and university employment in the forum Football 3 months ago
Looking at how NIL is really now rapidly morphing from Chaos money flood, to possible contract, to potential university employment I started wondering.
For most universities, massively more money comes into the university from research and patents. So if I have a promising group of athletes and bringing 30 of them costs me 20-30m and the profit…[Read more]
RUUTES replied to the topic The first round of the playoffs was really boring in the forum Football 3 months ago
I’m still in favor of a 16-team playoff but I don’t expect the first round to be all barn burners. they are the chance for upsets and Cinderellas but they will always tilt toward the big teams. I think what we see this year also has to be filtered through the chaos and uncertainty of portal and NIL. I think the playoffs will stabilize and the…[Read more]
RUUTES replied to the topic Bajakian in the portal in the forum Football 3 months, 1 week ago
he is better than Umass. Everyone is better than Umass. I wish him well he was thrown into a terrible situation.
That being said, he wasn’t the right choice for our long term OC situation. So glad he found a place to land.
RUUTES replied to the topic Hot transfer portal take in the forum Football 3 months, 1 week ago
I just can’t agree that having the sport become full time, non-stop mercenary transfer chaos is exciting.
I recognize it as a hot take…but…
I decline to agree.
RUUTES replied to the topic Loyalty in the forum Football 3 months, 2 weeks ago
Loyalty aka Branding aka Tribalism.
Coke v Pepsi. I’ve seen people pitch a total fit t a restaurant because one was served instead of the other and I know for a fact that the person in question didn’t notice the difference when I passed them the wrong product in a glass in the past.
In other words.. It’s all marketing. We have been convinced as…[Read more]
RUUTES replied to the topic Not an Onion or Babylon Bee headline in the forum Football 3 months, 2 weeks ago
is this how those blue laws that prohibit riding a donkey backwards in town square came into being?
RUUTES replied to the topic NIL vs University employees in the forum Football 3 months, 2 weeks ago
a lot depends on the conditions of that specific employment. If the players were unionized or under individual contracts, then many elements can be negotiated. Are they independent contractors or actual employees?
If they were employees of the “state” then there are conflict rules that may also come into play. A state employee has to…[Read more]
RUUTES replied to the topic NIL and the portal might be the final straw for me in the forum Football 3 months, 2 weeks ago
I’ve moved my donations from the CC to academic departments. I’ve dropped my season tickets and don’t even buy more red gear (though I honestly have more than I have room for anyway).
My viewing of CFB has dropped from 10-14 hours a week to maybe 1 game. And my attitude is rapidly moving into full disinterest.
I’m getting tired of the greed…[Read more]
RUUTES replied to the topic NIL vs University employees in the forum Football 3 months, 2 weeks ago
As Employees the University would have to provide employment protection, manage things through HR, pay taxes, workers comp and be far more responsible for actions and insuring payment etc.
Under NIL someone outside with little or no controls is handing over money.
If they were employees there would be an entirely different set of rules around…[Read more]
RUUTES replied to the topic Take a step back and reflect in the forum Football 3 months, 2 weeks ago
“This isn’t professional sports”
It’s unregulated for profit entertainment for a country that has lost all sense of priority.
Teachers, nurses, firemen, can’t rent a condo in Salt Lake City without a roommate. Homelessness is increasing rapidly (though the state denies it).
And the mega rich now casually sling millions at high school kids b…[Read more]
RUUTES replied to the topic Idea to fix this mess. Multi-year contracts. in the forum Football 3 months, 2 weeks ago
the solution is inevitable.
They need to be classified as employees.
Then there will little reason or incentive for many schools to participate.
big $$ will be spun off and Universities will lease their sites to outside interests (sometimes) that will own these semi-pro teams…
Like the USFL interest will drop as it becomes blurred and a…[Read more]
RUUTES started the topic Who is going to run the ball for us next year? in the forum Football 3 months, 2 weeks ago
See all the posts about QB (and of course it’s the top concern).
But a great QB still needs a run game and we’ve lost pretty much all our RB bench as well…with MB gone we don’t have anyone I’m seeing who can carry the ball 20 let alone 30 times a game.
Who’s out there we have a shot at?
RUUTES replied to the topic New Poll: Rate your excitement level for new offensive coordinator Jason Beck in the forum Football 3 months, 2 weeks ago
My history of being excited about OC changes has not been supported by the long term reality. So I’m going to remain neutral this round and just let it all play out.
RUUTES replied to the topic Why Paying Players Hasn't Fixed College Sports in the forum Football 3 months, 2 weeks ago
want to fix college sports? Spin off the pay sports and make them employees of the company. If Colleges want to keep intramurals fine.
But what is broken is only becoming more broke with the overt professionalization of the sports and the death of even a pretense of being a student athlete.
And times change…so I’m at peace with it. I’m not…[Read more]
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