Red Rhino
Red Rhino replied to the topic Isaac Wilson to BYU? in the forum Football 3 months, 2 weeks ago
If the rumors are true about his off the field behavior, he will fit in perfectly there.
Red Rhino replied to the topic Only-U Kenobi in the forum Football 3 months, 3 weeks ago
🤣 How do you know I’m not Harlan?
Red Rhino replied to the topic Only-U Kenobi in the forum Football 3 months, 3 weeks ago
Only U,
Last year seamed to be so painful for Whittingham. We had a pretty solid defense as usual, but our offense was playing at an excruciatingly low level. At times, Whittingham seemed just as frustrated as the fans by the offense. Has he seen his responsibility in the lack of offensive production yet, or do you think he believes another…[Read more]
Red Rhino replied to the topic New Mexico QB Devon Dampier in the forum Football 3 months, 3 weeks ago
Some of the challenges of the triple option:
1. The likelihood of the QB getting hit more often and injured.
2. If they are not a great passer it can be frustrating for receivers. They do a lot of running just to watch the QB take off running over and over again.
3. More holding penalties as OLs struggle to keep track of which direction the qb…[Read more]
Red Rhino replied to the topic No Trust For Whittingham on Offense in the forum Football 3 months, 3 weeks ago
In my opinion scheme is important to attracting QB and Receiver talent. What QB wants to hand it off 35 times a game and what receiver wants to spend most of their time blocking? I’ve been saying it for a while; it is not an attractive environment for offensive talent.
Red Rhino started the topic No Trust For Whittingham on Offense in the forum Football 3 months, 3 weeks ago
Though I greatly trust Whittingham for his defensive abilities, I have no trust for him with his offensive knowledge. Since Kyle came to Utah, Utah has averaged 29.9 points per game. Their average offensive ppg rank is 50th nationally since he has been at Utah. For the most part, his offenses have been incredibly boring to watch. Even in games…[Read more]
Red Rhino replied to the topic Two things I don't understand about the Ute Fan base (at least online) in the forum Football 3 months, 3 weeks ago
Do you like BYU and their fanbase then?
Red Rhino replied to the topic Two things I don't understand about the Ute Fan base (at least online) in the forum Football 3 months, 3 weeks ago
I think that it is interesting that you usually revert to name calling when someone has a different opinion than you. It’s not a very Ned Flanders like thing to do. Why can’t you handle people having different opinions than you?
Red Rhino replied to the topic Two things I don't understand about the Ute Fan base (at least online) in the forum Football 3 months, 3 weeks ago
I respect Boise State for what they have been able to consistently accomplish but their fans are annoying! I will say this though, most fans seem annoying when you’re losing and we’ve lost a lot to them.
Red Rhino replied to the topic I think the longer the silence, the more in the forum Football 3 months, 3 weeks ago
If he stays, I don’t think it’s about the money. I think he is proud and a competitor and doesn’t want to go out defeated. Here’s the problem, he made his choice. He chose Rising over what was best for the program.
Red Rhino replied to the topic Why would an OC who has designed a fast-paced offense want to coach under Whitt? in the forum Football 3 months, 3 weeks ago
If Whittingham had the attitude of why change things when it’s working, then why did he fire 8 offensive coordinators? Obviously, he thought there was a problem with the offense, but it wasn’t with him.
Red Rhino replied to the topic Why would an OC who has designed a fast-paced offense want to coach under Whitt? in the forum Football 3 months, 3 weeks ago
The biggest problem with Whittingham in regards to offense was that he did not believe the offensive woes were his fault. How do we know he didn’t believe the mistakes were his fault you say? Because he has fired 8 offensive coordinators in his tenure, but the offense basically looked the same no matter which OC came in. This indicates that…[Read more]
Red Rhino replied to the topic Let's start up a new poll in the forum Football 3 months, 3 weeks ago
What is your favorite whittingham memory:
A. Onside kick against Joe Glenn up 43-0
B. Nice leather pants comment.
C. Flashes 7 fingers to TSPP after win 7.
D. Deep shot at the end of the USC game 2021
E. “Game set match, checkmate” comment ASU
F. T.O. before Covey punt return Oregon 2021 -
Red Rhino replied to the topic Is this how it went down in the preseason with Isaac Wilson in the forum Football 4 months ago
How tall is Isaac Wilson actually? He’s listed at 6′ but he doesn’t look it. If he is really 5′ 10″ that explains his lack of vision and field awareness. In order to be successful he would need to be used similarly to the way Texas A&M used Johnny Manziel, more as a spread playmaker and out of pocket passer. He’s too short to see over the O line…[Read more]
Red Rhino replied to the topic Hypothetical: Who's your pick for Utah HC (assuming KW leaves)? in the forum Football 4 months ago
What I’d love to see is Urban Meyer as head Coach, Scalley as DC and Brian Johnson as OC. Let them learn under Meyer for a year and then promote Scalley.
Red Rhino replied to the topic 5th String QB in the forum Football 4 months ago
Also Jordan Wynn medically retired.
Red Rhino replied to the topic 5th String QB in the forum Football 4 months ago
You’re right. Nate Johnson was injured so that does make 5th string two years in a row.
Red Rhino replied to the topic Things that must go Utes Edition in the forum Football 4 months ago
Not accepting turnover risk while developing quarterbacks. Please, let them play and don’t crush their confidence if they throw an interception. Let them throw themselves out of their funks.
Slow developing offensive plays. We need to develop more quick 3 step passes. When defenses are getting to the qb too often.
Playing not to lose. I hate…[Read more]
Red Rhino replied to the topic 5th String QB in the forum Football 4 months ago
A typical team will experience 3 season ending injuries each year. We have more than that at QB alone.
I mentioned this a few weeks ago, that accelerated muscle development can create increased torque that tendons are unprepared to support. The same holds true for quick weight gain. A staple of a KW team has been shifting players into…[Read more]
Red Rhino replied to the topic 5th String QB in the forum Football 4 months ago
Two years in a row now.
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