Red Rhino
Red Rhino started the topic Expanding the Ceiling in the forum Football 4 months, 1 week ago
I hate that we struggle to play well when we are the favorite. That attitude limits our ceiling. Urban Meyer took MCBRIDE’S guys and turned them into players with swagger who believed they were not underdogs. I believe that people can be a Ute fan and not be a fan of Whittingham. I am a Ute fan FIRST. I want a different attitude. I want an…[Read more]
Red Rhino replied to the topic Scalley to be 'very involved' in process to hire future OC in the forum Football 4 months, 1 week ago
If there’s going to be a major overhaul, it makes much more sense to let Scalley take over at the end of the season with Whitt in a consultant role. Utah did this for Scalley after John Pease left for and for Brian Johnson after Norm Chow left.
Red Rhino replied to the topic Deron Williams, NIL, and Whittingham in the forum Football 4 months, 2 weeks ago
Such a good point SteelUte! Does college football and bball each need a general manager to manage the financial side of the teams so that the head Coach can focus on football?
Red Rhino replied to the topic Deron Williams, NIL, and Whittingham in the forum Football 4 months, 2 weeks ago
Exactly, Tony!
Red Rhino started the topic Deron Williams, NIL, and Whittingham in the forum Football 4 months, 2 weeks ago
In 2011, Legendary NBA Coach Jerry Sloan retired mid season from coaching the Utah Jazz. Although later downplayed, it was reported that he had an intense altercation with Deron Williams the night before. Deron Williams was known to ignore the play calls of Sloan, and to call his own plays, something not even the legendary John Stockton would…[Read more]
Red Rhino replied to the topic This is NO Joke! It's Time to talk about it! in the forum Football 4 months, 4 weeks ago
Why are people so rude to others on this forum to people who have a different opinion? I’ve said this before, if we all thought the same, this forum would be very boring. Why take the time to write that a post is ridiculous when you can just turn the page or ignore it? Why attack the poster? If you’re going to write something rude, “step away”.
Red Rhino replied to the topic Thoughts on NIL from a BYU fan (I come in peace) in the forum Football 5 months ago
NIL is an issue for all teams, but I believe some teams are more equipped than others to handle poorly appropriated NIL money, (i.e. players that were promised big $ but don’t pan out). I honestly don’t think it can go on much longer the way it is currently constructed. I would also venture a guess that half of the BIG and SEC cannot continue…[Read more]
Red Rhino replied to the topic The Real Question IS? in the forum Football 5 months ago
I would prefer to get someone from the transfer portal who has more eligibility and is not made of glass.
Red Rhino replied to the topic Rookie Contracts in the forum Football 5 months ago
I believe college athletes are only required to report their NIL deals to their schools and it appears that Isaac’s NIL deals have not been disclosed to the public. Does anyone have an inside source on this?
Red Rhino replied to the topic Rookie Contracts in the forum Football 5 months ago
If I had to guess teams with above average NIL money, may find themselves struggling with this problem more than teams with less money to work with because of the locker room rifts the disparity of NIL money is causing.
Oklahoma State
Florida State
Red Rhino replied to the topic Rookie Contracts in the forum Football 5 months ago
To answer your question DataUte, this would need to be a breakaway semi-pro league. I know that nobody wants that, but we are already there. We are a semi pro league living in anarchy. A semi-pro league with guidelines would be much better than what we have now.
Red Rhino started the topic Rookie Contracts in the forum Football 5 months ago
It seems to me that we have a major issue because of NIL. In order to bring in big name recruits, a team must pay big $ for a player that is completely unproven, (see exhibit A, Isaac Wilson). A team might find it extremely painful and costly to abandon a player that they paid huge money for when they are not playing up to the expectations.…[Read more]
Red Rhino started the topic Whittingham Ruins Another Quarterback in the forum Football 5 months ago
Isaac Wilson holds the ball so long because he’s terrified to throw a pick or make a mistake. A qb has to have confidence and has to be ready to make a decision and pull the trigger quickly. They don’t have time to second guess their instincts. I would way rather my qb throw some interceptions as he learns a system, learns about windows, and…[Read more]
Red Rhino replied to the topic Not a popular question… in the forum Football 5 months, 1 week ago
Whittingham is a good coach. There’s no denying that. There is also no denying that his offensive struggles have been as consistent as his defensive successes. Although we were lucky to have him and he was the right coach at the time, I’m ready to move on from his ultra conservative style. Perhaps I will eat my words, but no guts, no glory.
Red Rhino replied to the topic Not a popular question… in the forum Football 5 months, 1 week ago
I don’t want anybody from this offensive staff to stay on. I’m so tired of boring offenses. Many times the offense is so offensive that it feels like we lost the game even when we win the game.
Red Rhino replied to the topic Complete failure of HS running back recruiting in the forum Football 5 months, 2 weeks ago
As mentioned above, many of those have been transfer RB’s. I’m talking about recruits. Yes, it is not likely that we will be able to recruit a stacked RB room like your list, but we should have a highly ranked RB in every recruiting class, or at least every other recruiting class. Yes other schools are recruiting, but most schools are pass…[Read more]
Red Rhino replied to the topic Complete failure of HS running back recruiting in the forum Football 5 months, 2 weeks ago
The biggest quandaries for me are:
1. Given our physical pound it down your throat system, why are we recruiting so many scat backs?
2. Given the style of offense, it seems as if it should be an easy sell to bring in top rated running backs every year. I’m a little surprised we haven’t pulled a off a 5* running back yet.
Red Rhino replied to the topic Snake bitten in the forum Football 5 months, 2 weeks ago
I’m not a doctor, but this makes sense to me, (found it online, so it must be true):
“It is possible for an athlete to gain so much muscle mass that the torque generated by those muscles exceeds the capacity of their tendons to handle, potentially leading to tendon injuries, especially if muscle growth outpaces the adaptation of the tendons to…[Read more]
Red Rhino replied to the topic A TOUGH EVENING in the forum Football 5 months, 2 weeks ago
Our defense has kept us in games but here’s why I’m concerned about Scalley:
1. Defense has been pretty good but has regressed quite a bit the last two years.
2. We have been having major problems tackling 3 of the last four years. Remember Florida in Gainesville + last year + this year.
3. Major problems with over pursuing on rush defense.…[Read more]
Red Rhino replied to the topic Fire Kyle Whittingham in the forum Football 5 months, 2 weeks ago
Whittingham has done a lot of great things and deserves praise, his defensive player development and positioning is off the charts. My biggest problem with Whittingham is that ever since he became coach we have sacrificed offense for defense, including moving our most athletic players to defense. This creates three problems:
1. You create an…[Read more]
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