Thlete replied to the topic Should we be worried about the short kickoffs? in the forum Football 5 years, 5 months ago
It drives me absolutely bonkers. Why can’t we get someone that can kick it into the end zone like every other team in the nation? Just exposes us to get beat without our elite defense on the field. It will for sure bite us at some point.
Thlete replied to the topic Seeing twitter chatter about losing another recruit to ASU in the forum Football 5 years, 5 months ago
I did it a couple years back as it’s great info for recruiting but a few years of getting excited for guys that end up committing elsewhere and I decided that I’m fine with just seeing who signs with the Utes in the end and skip the drama.
Thlete replied to the topic Pittman had more receiving yards tonight in the forum Football 5 years, 6 months ago
Blackmon was just awful. Needs to be a better ball hawk on floated balls instead of waiting for the ball to come to him and letting receiver high point it over him.
Thlete replied to the topic Trap game for USC and Vegas knows it in the forum Football 5 years, 6 months ago
Maybe it’s a trap as it has all the signs but I would still put large money on USC to win by at least 2 scores.
Thlete replied to the topic Much harder to root against BYU with Sitake as BYU's Coach in the forum Football 5 years, 6 months ago
I have enough good friends that I don’t like to see sad that it overpowers the desire to see the zoob in my office to suffer. I sat with my 3 kids in the middle of a sea of blue on Thursday and we were treated fine. There were some slightly obnoxious cheers from the younger boys behind us that got my oldest daughter to want to do some revenge c…[Read more]
Thlete replied to the topic Provo state just lowered ticket prices for the Utah game. Promo code TUESDAY if in the forum Football 5 years, 7 months ago
Yeah lowest I see is $70 and no promo code option. Which website?
Thlete replied to the topic According to Instagram… in the forum Football 5 years, 7 months ago
That’s really disappointing with how much praise he was getting. Hope he can heal up in time for conference play.
Thlete replied to the topic A little more detail on the new uni in the forum Football 5 years, 7 months ago
It was pointed out on Twitter that Utah wore silver helmet and red jersey in the 60’s – a few years before Ohio State ever did.
Thlete replied to the topic Goal by RSL in the forum Professional Sports 5 years, 7 months ago
I was there too as both my sons got to go on the field with their club. One for warm ups and my 8 yo played on the field at halftime. Great game.
Thlete replied to the topic D news article about our TRs in the forum Football 5 years, 7 months ago
TR == Tight Rears?
Thlete replied to the topic Season Tickets received! in the forum Football 5 years, 8 months ago
Got mine same day as PAC-12 media day. I had excitement overload on Wednesday.
Thlete replied to the topic 9am PDT Football? in the forum Football 5 years, 8 months ago
9 am (10 am MT) is much preferable in Oct and Nov over 8 pm start times in the freezing cold. I’m a season ticket holder and will show up at any time but getting home at 2 pm is better than 1 am IMO. Also better exposure to east coast audience (and voters). Nobody on east stays up for Pac12AfterDark and we don’t want any crazy upsets this year anyway.
Thlete replied to the topic Which of you have attended the U? —- BA Classics, 1997. in the forum Misc 5 years, 9 months ago
BS Computer Science 04
Thlete replied to the topic Who is thinking of attending the opener at RESouth? in the forum Football 5 years, 9 months ago
I too went in 2001 and also 2003, 2011, 2013, and 2017 along with every home game since 2002 except the 2006 game. I also went to the Vegas Bowl in 2015. I somehow attended every BYU loss except 2005 and missed each BYU win over Utah in that span.
I met my wife at a party after going to the 2001 game and haven’t witnessed a Ute loss vs BYU l…[Read more]
Thlete replied to the topic Is this 7-7 guy on the Utes' radar? in the forum Basketball (Men) 5 years, 9 months ago
I saw a video of this kid a while back and somebody cracked, “he looks like NBA 2K on PS1”. I guilty laughed far too long.
Thlete replied to the topic Phil Steele in the forum Football 5 years, 9 months ago
Not only that, but has Utah ranked #8!
Phil Steele’s 2019 Preseason Top 60:
1. Alabama
2. Clemson
3. Michigan
4. Georgia
5. Oklahoma
8. Utah
12. Oregon
16. Washington
22. Stanford
32. USC
33. WSU
36. Boise St
38. BYU
52. SDSU
53. Utah St
54. Fresno St
60. ASU -
Thlete replied to the topic Thoughts on the transfer portal for football? in the forum Football 5 years, 10 months ago
I don’t mind it at all. They’ll still have to work hard at the next school if they want to play. I like the freedom it provides if coaches leave or situations change from what they committed to out of high school. All in or in the way.
Thlete replied to the topic I finally got around to seeing End Game (no spoilers) in the forum Misc 5 years, 10 months ago
I’m understanding of crying kids and babies on flights because there isnt a good travel alternative. Doesn’t even bother me. However, a late movie showing is just rude to drag your young child to that. There is no valid reason to be so inconsiderate of others and your kid like that.
Thlete replied to the topic Duke in the forum Basketball (Men) 5 years, 12 months ago
I certainly won’t miss the barrage of Zion/Duke coverage on the ESPN twitter feed. It was beyond ridiculous.
Thlete replied to the topic Rylan Jones won Mr. Basketball for the state of Utah again in the forum Basketball (Men) 5 years, 12 months ago
Couldn’t just give you a thumbs up, since I literally LOL’d
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