HeyyyUguyyys started the topic Rose in the forum Football 5 months ago
Like everybody else here I have been analyzing the reasons why a team with so much promise just a month ago could have fallen so far. For all of the discussion about Whit, Ludwig, Cam, and Wilson, I really think that arguably the most important character (or non character) in this story is probably Brandon Rose. We can talk about unimaginative…[Read more]
HeyyyUguyyys replied to the topic Booooooo in the forum Football 5 months, 1 week ago
While I understand your point, booing for many people doesn’t come from a serious place. A college football game is a place where we set norms aside and everyone silently agrees that we are all going to act like children for 3 hours. Grown men dress up in costumes, we do dances when we succeed, and light fireworks and fire cannons when we score. F…[Read more]
HeyyyUguyyys posted an update 5 months, 1 week ago
HeyyyUguyyys replied to the topic Whitt and Cam opinings and observations in the forum Football 5 months, 1 week ago
Everyone gets a pass in my mind, Cam and frustrated fans alike. Top level college NIL is simultaneously just and ridiculous. A quarterback like Cam, especially when he is leading the team to Rose bowls, is generating a ton of revenue and he deserves a piece of the pie. Then something as small as a basic finger injury happens and the optics change…[Read more]
HeyyyUguyyys replied to the topic Sad in the forum Football 5 months, 2 weeks ago
It’s a tough situation. Tougher than it’s been for a bit. Utah was a pretender this year and will probably finish 7-5 or 8-4 if we are lucky, but I wouldn’t hold my breath. We are as likely to finish 6-6 as we are 8-4. If we are going to get years where we overachieve, I guess we have to be willing to take years where we underachieve too.
The…[Read more]
HeyyyUguyyys replied to the topic The Gloved One in the forum Football 5 months, 2 weeks ago
Something doesn’t look right with Mr Rising… I would be shocked if he even lasts the game.
HeyyyUguyyys replied to the topic Not sure I can do this again in the forum Football 5 months, 3 weeks ago
Whether it’s justified or not, I don’t remember a time where the perception of a Utah team changed more in the course of seven days than Oklahoma State to Arizona. It’s actually been kind of amazing to watch. We were in Stillwater, completely owning the team that we thought would be our biggest competition with a 17 year old QB. Then with 7 min l…[Read more]
HeyyyUguyyys replied to the topic Ute Hub Fundraiser Coming Soon – Opinions Please in the forum Ute Hub Site 5 months, 3 weeks ago
Venmo or Zelle
HeyyyUguyyys replied to the topic Well Now, Someone Outside Utah is Starting to Ask Questions… in the forum Football 5 months, 4 weeks ago
I don’t know this guy from Adam but let’s be honest, there was a lot of truth there… he was ranting and sarcastic and looked like a borderline crazy person with his 47 summer camp style beaded necklaces and bracelets, but through all of that distraction he still kind of nailed it. The Utah arrogance, the mostly good but still somehow under…[Read more]
HeyyyUguyyys replied to the topic new coach in the forum Football 5 months, 4 weeks ago
Nobody punches above their weight like Utah and I think that had skewed our expectations a lot. Utah’s 247 recruiting class rank last 5 years – 20,34,35,30,43. Three different times during that stretch we finish in the top 16 in the final AP poll. We have an amazing football culture, arguably the most stable coaching staff in the country, and by o…[Read more]
HeyyyUguyyys replied to the topic Is Rising Playing? in the forum Football 6 months, 1 week ago
I don’t know all the specifics of his injury, so can’t say for sure. I heard dislocation and laceration at one point. Assuming there was no serious soft tissue damage given that he didn’t require surgery. Stitches would normally come out in about seven days and skin should be pretty strong by now. Would someone be able to throw a football at this…[Read more]
HeyyyUguyyys replied to the topic Huck it! Chuk it! F%^$ it! Football in the forum Football 6 months, 2 weeks ago
This 👆🏻. Could not have said it better myself. Adversity is invaluable for the growth of a team. The stats on the defensive end are somewhat deceiving. Especially with pass yards. Bryson was throwing the ball with zero conscience. Credit to their receivers, but if balls are being thrown into almost non existent windows and highlight reel catches…[Read more]
HeyyyUguyyys replied to the topic Jerome Myles moves up commit date in the forum Football 6 months, 2 weeks ago
As long as there are nerds there will be studies and as long as there are studies there will be data and facts. You are entitled to your own opinion. You are not entitled to your own facts. Recruiting matters still, a lot.
HeyyyUguyyys replied to the topic New Jerome Myles CBs in the forum Football 6 months, 2 weeks ago
Expecting and fine with the inevitable downvotes that come with a comment like this. This whole situation just makes Utah seem like a pretender. I have no reason to think Myles is anything but a great kid. The comment has nothing to do with him as a person. Good for him for having options.
Utah just occupies a funny place in the college…[Read more]
HeyyyUguyyys replied to the topic Jay Hill in the forum Football 6 months, 4 weeks ago
Not a cardiologist, but I work in medicine and more than likely chance that he feels better now than he did prior to the incident. Tons of patients don’t even realize that they are having symptoms related to poor blood flow to their heart until they get it corrected. Hopefully he is good to go.
HeyyyUguyyys replied to the topic How we feeling about 3* Turnovers in first half? in the forum Football 7 months ago
This 👆🏻. Isaac had two bad picks, but if anything he showed us that he has a little gunslinger in him, which I welcome. I don’t want a play it safe and always check down type of quarterback, which is what most kids 3 months removed from HS would be.
The RB fumbles on the other hand… no bueno. Hopefully a repeat of the Tavion Thomas situation whe…[Read more]
HeyyyUguyyys replied to the topic Any word on the injury? in the forum Football 7 months ago
I was sad about the injuries. It was Cam lowering his shoulder up 28 against Southern Utah that made me just about throw my phone at my TV though.
HeyyyUguyyys replied to the topic this last two minutes of the half in the forum Football 7 months ago
It was a long decade, but we made it.
HeyyyUguyyys replied to the topic Helmets in the forum Football 7 months, 1 week ago
Am I the only one who loved the 2019 silver with red interlocking Us?
HeyyyUguyyys replied to the topic Nice walk down memory lane. in the forum Football 7 months, 4 weeks ago
Man I miss the Majerus days so bad. I feel like every other sport that they showed – football, gymnastics, lacrosse, softball, women’s basketball has all taken a step forward. I remember thinking during the 90s how lucky we were to have him at the head, but the last 25 years has certainly put it more into perspective. Cool video though
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