Utah @  Oklahoma State


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    • #223610

      This 👆🏻. Could not have said it better myself. Adversity is invaluable for the growth of a team. The stats on the defensive end are somewhat deceiving. Especially with pass yards. Bryson was throwing the ball with zero conscience. Credit to their receivers, but if balls are being thrown into almost non existent windows and highlight reel catches are needed for most of their chunk plays I can live with that. It’s great to see guys like Calhoun, Hall, and Snowden start to make meaningful contributions. If you aren’t excited about Wilson’s future now I don’t think you were paying attention. He made some big boy throws.

    • #222929

      Expecting and fine with the inevitable downvotes that come with a comment like this. This whole situation just makes Utah seem like a pretender. I have no reason to think Myles is anything but a great kid. The comment has nothing to do with him as a person. Good for him for having options.

      Utah just occupies a funny place in the college football hierarchy right now and it is being exposed big time by this situation. Real tier 1 programs don’t get 4 and 5 star recruits all the time, but it’s ok because they reel big fish regularly and they turn around and land another one 2 weeks later. Mid tier teams don’t stress about 4 and 5 star recruits because they know they were never in the running to begin with. Then comes a program like Utah sitting on recent conference championships, highly respected head coach, and a current #12 ranking, and you would never know it based on some of these discussions. All of the focus on how Myles would be the highest rated recruit ever or the idea that we feel urgency to convert to a more WR centric offense quickly so we can show him we are worthy of his services feels gross. It is something that an insecure program would do and makes us look like we don’t belong at the table. You know who isn’t framing recruiting that way? Georgia, Alabama, Ohio State, LSU, Texas… they make it known that they want somebody, they confidently make their pitch, and they let the chips fall and move on regardless.

      These are the growing pains that come with trying to become an elite program, I get it. Every successful story is a mix of real progress and faking it until you make it. We have plenty of both.

    • #221660

      Not a cardiologist, but I work in medicine and more than likely chance that he feels better now than he did prior to the incident. Tons of patients don’t even realize that they are having symptoms related to poor blood flow to their heart until they get it corrected. Hopefully he is good to go.

    • #221341

      I was sad about the injuries. It was Cam lowering his shoulder up 28 against Southern Utah that made me just about throw my phone at my TV though.

    • #221338

      It was a long decade, but we made it.

    • #220655
    • #219554

      Man I miss the Majerus days so bad. I feel like every other sport that they showed – football, gymnastics, lacrosse, softball, women’s basketball has all taken a step forward. I remember thinking during the 90s how lucky we were to have him at the head, but the last 25 years has certainly put it more into perspective. Cool video though

    • #219373

      I don’t make a habit of moping over things that high school kids do. A little bit too grown-up for that. It was more of an observation and discussion which I thought was what went on here. I guess the confusion was that if his intention the whole time was to see how the season plays out to decide whether or not he commits to a team why he signed with Ole Miss so early. I thought he had intentions of wrapping up his recruitment prior to his senior season. My bad

    • #223002

      As long as there are nerds there will be studies and as long as there are studies there will be data and facts. You are entitled to your own opinion. You are not entitled to your own facts. Recruiting matters still, a lot.

    • #221406

      This 👆🏻. Isaac had two bad picks, but if anything he showed us that he has a little gunslinger in him, which I welcome. I don’t want a play it safe and always check down type of quarterback, which is what most kids 3 months removed from HS would be.

      The RB fumbles on the other hand… no bueno. Hopefully a repeat of the Tavion Thomas situation where they get it out of their system early.

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