UNDColorado replied to the topic North Dakota in the forum Football 7 years, 7 months ago
Only 10 days everyone! After some discussion with my group we will not set up our own tailgate. Instead we will hop the light rail from our hotel and bring a cooler bag full of beers then discard the cheep cooler bag before the game. I will make it a point to stop by the Ute Hub tailgate mentioned above. Let’s have some fun!
UNDColorado replied to the topic North Dakota in the forum Football 7 years, 9 months ago
Thanks for the invite and there is a 100% chance I will have some really nice beers from Colorado that will be well over 5%. When I was on the Ute athletic site I was looking at the Guradsman lot. If I get there early enough will I be able to park there? Thanks!
UNDColorado replied to the topic North Dakota in the forum Football 7 years, 9 months ago
Thanks for the input @ladyinred
I am staying downtown so that part is good to go. My initial plan was to get to the lots early around 1 PM and park and tailgate. Or does it make more sense to fill a backpack with beer and take the train?
UNDColorado replied to the topic North Dakota in the forum Football 7 years, 9 months ago
I live in Colorado and SLC is about a 6.5 hour drive from where I live so I a definitely coming out for the game and I am looking forward to it. I certainly don’t expect a win for us but I do expect this to be closer than many expect. I am also looking forward to doing some tailgating so if anyone has any input on a certain parking lot or place to…[Read more]
UNDColorado became a registered member 7 years, 10 months ago