Utah @  Houston


  • I can’t wait for USC to enter the B1G. They are the fourth best program, at best. Ohio State, Michigan and Penn St are all ahead of them.

    You could even argue Oregon and UW are equal/ahead of them. That would drop them down to 7th best team.

    Then you have the “Utah” teams. Tough defense in a hostile environment: Wisconsin, Iowa, Minnesota,…[Read more]

  • My wife stated in the USC game: “The fact that a false start has been called and I immediately asked if it was #52…that’s bad, right?”

  • Utah replied to the topic Whitt's weekly presser in the forum Football 12 months ago

    You have to remember that Whitt looks at everything through a DC lens. UW has better offensive numbers, but they are really reliant on the pass game. Whereas Oregon can run for 250 yards and beat you or throw for 300 yards and beat you or have Nix run for 100 and throw for 200 and beat you.

    You can’t really take something away from Oregon like…[Read more]

  • Ha. My first thought was “no way. Dude lies about everything, you don’t need that negative noise around Utah.”

    But the soon reaction. That would be beautiful.

  • Utah replied to the topic Run Game in the forum Football 12 months ago

    It boils down to this:

    We don’t have a dynamic throw game. If we can’t run up the middle, we can’t do anything. If we can run up the middle, it opens everything up for us.

    We can play action, we can give our receivers enough time to get open, we can run predictable passing routes for Barnes.

    If we can’t run up the middle, the defense spreads…[Read more]

  • You are absolutely right. Look. We will always recruit behind USC, UCLA, UW and Oregon.

    In the Big 12, we are the best recruiting team by a few spots.

    We go from history and elite institutions (on and off the field) to us being the cream of the crop.

    It’s not ideal. BUT, the people seem cool, the fans are excited and I think it will be f…[Read more]

  • Utah replied to the topic UO in the forum Football 12 months ago

    One of two things will happen:

    Oregon will shut down our run game, our offense will be awful and we get destroyed.


    Both teams come in, both teams play great defense, and it’s a slog with a TO being returned for a TD and the winning team winning some fucked up score like 11-15 or 26-23.

  • Typical Republicans and their obsession with big government. That is all they are. “Do ThIngS mY WaY oR I ForCe YoU wItH GoveRNmeNt!

    Fucking Fascists.

  • Utah replied to the topic Cam will not do show today in the forum Football 1 year ago

    Honestly, the more Cam can just fade away the better his shot at coming back next year. One thing about Utah. If there is a negative story, just ignore it, it will go away in a couple of weeks and everyone can pretend nothing bad happened.

  • Nine wins? Good lord, that would be incredible. Absolutely incredible. I’m wondering if they tossed a wig on Carson Wentz…could they pass him off as Rising?

    Speaking of Wentz, what a crazy story. Small school, #2 pick, MVP season, get hurt at the end, your team wins a Super Bowl without you, you get in a fight in the locker room because you’re…[Read more]

  • Utah replied to the topic Future Big 12 rankings in the forum Football 1 year ago

    Ha. What I love is seeing all the G5 teams at the bottom of the list. And BYU is ranked too high. They have that “hometown bump”.

  • Absolutely, 100%, you want him back. Johnson ain’t it. Barnes ain’t it. Wilson may be it, but he won’t be it next fall.

    We’d be runaway favorites to win the PAC-12, make the playoffs and possibly win it all. Rising/Jackson/Kuithe…that’s lethal. And with this year’s defense, only a year better?

    100% you want him back. Any other response is…[Read more]

  • This reply has so much nonsense in it.

  • Hah! Good luck if your pin your hopes on Barnes.

  • Utah replied to the topic Who is your biggest recruiting miss in the forum Football 1 year ago

    I don’t know if this technically counts, but the greatest player Utah has ever had was Josh Gordon. He was unreal. He was just better than everyone else. I don’t know if there has ever been another player that was just so much more talented than everyone else.

    If he could have played for Utah…He redshirted 2011 and would have been eligible for…[Read more]

  • What’s going to happen is Utah will end up in the Independence Bowl vs BYU. That would freaking suck.

  • I agree. With how low he is to the ground, I thought for sure he’d get stronger in the offseason, run through those arm tackles and be a really, really good RB. But he still just goes down.

    Don’t skip leg day peeps.

  • So why was Whitt under the impression Cam could be back by the Florida game? Why was Cam getting QB1 reps before every game this season?

    Why did Whitt change his policy to “if you aren’t going to 100% play, you don’t get QB1 reps?”

    If you take a step back and look at it, it looks really bad for Cam. It looks like Cam lied and has continued to…[Read more]

  • Utah replied to the topic Furlong speaking truth in the forum Football 1 year ago

    I’ve thought about this all afternoon. The idea that Whitt knew that Cam wouldn’t’ be back until Oct/Nov and did nothing is silly.

    I’d put money down that Whitt was told by everyone, Cam included, that Cam had a really, really good chance to be ready by Florida.


    When…[Read more]

  • That just makes me think Cam lied to Whitt even more.

    Whitt’s not dumb. He isn’t going to sacrifice his whole defense for Cam. I highly doubt if Whitt was told from day 1 Cam wouldn’t be able to play until November, he would have sat on his hands.

    If anything, your other thread shows Whitt was under the assumption Cam would be back by Florida.…[Read more]

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