Utah @  Houston


  • Utah replied to the topic Whitt's presser in the forum Football 1 year ago

    It’s the pressor of a coach who trusted what a player told him and that player lied to him and is now running around trying to blame the coach for the player’s actions.

  • So let me get this straight:

    Cam KNEW FROM DAY 1 it was 10-12 months before he could play. Which means October at the soonest.

    And you are telling me that Kyle knew this as well and then screwed himself and the team over by being lazy and NOT going after a transfer QB?


    Cam knew that if he was upfront with his injury a couple of things…[Read more]

  • tl/dr:

    Whitt has no reason to lie about this and Rising has hundreds of thousands of reasons to make it seem like he will be ready to play week 1.

  • Whitt knowingly lying is the worst take out there. Why would he?

    Why would he keep any other QB’s from the team in hopes that Rising can play? Why would he want less wins if Rising couldn’t play.

    Such a bad take.

    You have two options:

    1- Rising told Whitt 12 months and Whitt lied for some stupid reason instead of finding a new QB

    O…[Read more]

  • Utah replied to the topic Whitt's presser in the forum Football 1 year ago

    If practices were open, we’d have known to temper expectations before the season started…

  • Utah replied to the topic Furlong speaking truth in the forum Football 1 year ago

    Easy fix. Stop with the secrecy nonsense. It’s ridiculous.

  • Whittingham firmly believes if he doesn’t give up points he can win every game.

    He has three goals every game:

    Give up less than 100 yards rushing.
    Get more than 100 yards rushing.
    Win the TO battle.

    Throwing, in his mind, hurts all three goals. If you throw a lot, the clock stops, which gives the other offense more time to score.

    If y…[Read more]

  • It’s pretty well known that Canzano is the mouthpiece for Oregon State’s AD.

    Look, it sucks the P12 is dead. But the reality is, every team is fine but OSU and WSU.

    And you know what? They shouldn’t be P5 teams. They aren’t P5 programs. And yet, because of teams like this, Utah was held out for so long.

    So forgive me if I don’t feel bad…[Read more]

  • Utah replied to the topic Cam Rising is the GOAT and a U Icon in the forum Football 1 year ago

    Agreed. There is two debates here: top 3. The debate is between Mitchell, Smith and Huntley.

    Then top 5. And Wilson, McCoy and Rising are the debate for the 4 and 5 spots.

  • Utah replied to the topic Cam Rising is the GOAT and a U Icon in the forum Football 1 year ago

    I don’t know if we are the only fanbase that does this, well I know BYU does it as well…so I don’t know if this is a Utah thing or what, but it’s weird.

    Cam is good. Really good. And he got hurt. And he hasn’t played yet. And Whitt thinks he should have. And Cam thinks he shouldn’t have.

    That’s it. We don’t have to do these grand gestures of…[Read more]

  • You are nuts companero. The day Whitt retires is the day this program takes a HUGE step backwards. NOW, being in the Big 12 helps us because it isn’t as good of a conference. There is no USC, Oregon, UCLA, Washington, Stanford in the Big 12 so it will be easier to survive.

    But we don’t Whitt to go. Not yet.

  • I have supported Whitt giving Rising every opportunity to play, as we desperately need him.

    BUT, knowing what I know now, if I could turn back the clock, I’d institute Whitt’s new rule before the season started: If you aren’t going to play on Saturday, then no reps during the week.

    Utah isn’t Rising’s training pad to prep for the NFL. Utah is…[Read more]

  • Utah replied to the topic Maybe Bartle will be believed in the forum Football 1 year ago

    This article doesn’t clear anything up.

    We have all known that Utah thinks Rising should play and one doctor thinks Rising shouldn’t play and that is who Rising is listening to.

    The real question is: Why does Utah think one thing and Rising think another? Someone lied to the other party about what expectations were.

    And Whitt has been here a…[Read more]

  • I think Whitt’s secrecy hurts him more than helps. For example, is everyone knew the extent of Rising’s injury, no one questions him.

    If we could go to fall/spring camp, he’d know if Rose was good or not and the question of “should Whitt have gotten a transfer QB” would be gone.

    I also think expectations would be tempered if we could see pract…[Read more]

  • I don’t agree with this at all. If Whitt came out of spring ball and felt good about Rose and Rising was supposed to be back, why would you go after a transfer QB?

  • Utah replied to the topic Isaac Wilson's future at Utah in the forum Football 1 year ago

    I mean…Rose was our backup before he lacerated his liver…

  • Utah replied to the topic Nate Johnson in the forum Football 1 year ago

    This is what I don’t get. Utah invented the RPO with Alex Smith. And we have a QB that could excel at it.

    Yet we hardly run it. It’s mind blowing.

  • Utah replied to the topic Way Ahead for Utah Football in the forum Football 1 year ago

    I think you change #1 to:

    Pray that Rose gets healthy and quick.

    Johnson is a great athlete, he’s a super young and inexperienced QB, and he just ain’t it this year.

    If we want to get to 10 wins, it won’t be with Johnson. If we want to get to 8 wins, it won’t be with Johnson. We need someone not named Johnson and Barnes.

    Rose is all we have left.

  • Cause the pig farmer can’t throw.

  • Utah replied to the topic Rose NJ Barnes in the forum Football 1 year ago

    Eh, I think this is a little overblown. The coaches only get 20 hours a week, and they developed Rose. And then Rose got hurt. Johnson was supposed to be the scout team QB this year and be ready for next year. It’s just bad luck.

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