
  • @Utah5410
    Tavion, although not a person I would want on my team, had some damn good numbers in 2021 with 1K+ rushing yards and 21 TDs. I am not saying that JJ cannot do better/similar what I am trying to say is he hasn’t. One wheel or two wheels does not matter JJ did not have the season he was hyped up to have this year. 700 yards and 4 TDs from…[Read more]

  • @Utah5410 I agree with most of your breakdowns on each positions except three:

    QB – Cam, if healthy, will probably be close to what he was before the injury. However my concern is at the backup position. Cam has never played an entire season without injury. If Rose was so good why did he not take over as a starter at any point? My contention is…[Read more]