Utah @  Oklahoma State


  • UtahFanSir replied to the topic Future Shock in the forum Politics 7 years, 5 months ago

    For what its is worth, I don’t believe all education is equal. And that separates folks from opportunity. I know for example that in one section of our town, the most affluent, they have attracted the best teachers and that is a fact. Test scores published show it, my neighbor who are two teachers tell me so also. The other schools take what is…[Read more]

  • UtahFanSir replied to the topic Future Shock in the forum Politics 7 years, 5 months ago

    For what it is worth, I don’t believe all education is equal. And that separates folks from opportunity. I know for example that in one section of our town, its the most affluent, they have attracted the best teachers and that is a fact. The other schools take what is left. And the worst teachers are packed in the rural areas. If you don’t believe…[Read more]

  • UtahFanSir replied to the topic Future Shock in the forum Politics 7 years, 5 months ago

    For what it is worth, I don’t believe all education is equal. And that separates folks from opportunity. I know for example that in one section of our town, its the most affluent, they have attracted the best teachers and that is a fact. The other schools take what is left. And the worst teachers are packed in the rural areas. If you don’t believe…[Read more]

  • UtahFanSir replied to the topic Future Shock in the forum Politics 7 years, 5 months ago

    For what it is worth, I don’t believe all education is equal. And that separates folks from opportunity. I know for example that in one section of our town, its the most affluent, they have attracted the best teachers and that is a fact. The other schools take what is left. And the worst teachers are packed in the rural areas. If you don’t believe…[Read more]

  • UtahFanSir replied to the topic Future Shock in the forum Politics 7 years, 5 months ago

    For what it is worth, I don’t believe all education is equal. And that separates folks from opportunity. I know for example that in one section of our town, its the most affluent, they have attracted the best teachers and that is a fact. The other schools take what is left. And the worst teachers are packed in the rural areas. If you don’t believe…[Read more]

  • UtahFanSir replied to the topic Future Shock in the forum Politics 7 years, 5 months ago

    For what it is worth, I don’t believe all education is equal. And that separates folks from opportunity. I know for example that in one section of our town, its the most affluent, they have attracted the best teachers and that is a fact. The other schools take what is left. And the worst teachers are packed in the rural areas. If you don’t believe…[Read more]

  • UtahFanSir started the topic Future Shock in the forum Politics 7 years, 5 months ago

    This fascinating article published today in the NYT about demographics, rural and urban, over the last 20 years and how that is shaping politics. Moreover, the article gets into economics and the role of technology.

    Reaching Out to the Voters the Left Left Behind

    From the article:

    “Trump did best in regions where economic growth was the worst;…[Read more]

  • UtahFanSir started the topic Future Shock in the forum Politics 7 years, 5 months ago

    This fascinating article published today in the NYT about demographics, rural and urban, over the last 20 years and how that is shaping politics. Moreover, the article gets into economics and the role of technology.

    Reaching Out to the Voters the Left Left Behind

    From the article:

    “Trump did best in regions where economic growth was the worst —…[Read more]

  • UtahFanSir started the topic Future Shock in the forum Politics 7 years, 5 months ago

    This fascinating article published today in the NYT about demographs, rural and urban, over the last 20 years and how that is shaping politics. Moreover, the article gets into economics and the role of technology.
    Reaching Out to the Voters the Left Left Behind
    From the article:
    “Trump did best in regions where economic growth was the worst —…[Read more]

  • Informative read: NYT Article By Amanda Taub

    “That helps explain why Mr. Trump’s support among Republican voters remains quite high, even though the first few months of his presidency have been plagued by scandals and political setbacks, and even though his overall national approval ratings are now very low. He has been careful to recast every…[Read more]

  • Informative read: NYT Article By Amanda Taub
    “That helps explain why Mr. Trump’s support among Republican voters remains quite high, even though the first few months of his presidency have been plagued by scandals and political setbacks, and even though his overall national approval ratings are now very low. He has been careful to recast every…[Read more]

  • UtahFanSir replied to the topic Not surprised. in the forum Politics 7 years, 5 months ago

    My head exploded already…ideology trumps facts.

  • Trump was a liar on the campaign, and we were warned, but he got a lot of folks to buy those lies. Now we know, but clearly for some, there is no buyers remorse. What if this is just the tip of the iceberg?

    Edit: Some of you guys are so sensitive that if you bump up against the wall, you would bleed to death before you could get help.

  • Great to know that other folks think about these issues as deeply as I do, and are not afraid to articulate our concerns. Your comment on Trump’s flip flop being a case in point. The deeper issue in his “conversion” is it means almost nothing a politician says in a campaign has any validity at all. To me that is troubling.

    Edit: “Since taking…[Read more]

  • A profit motive could be there for the US, but frankly, I don’t think so. Assad is just a bad guy, a classic tyrant over “his” people. He is another Saddam Hussein. Trump finally has caught up with where HRC was in respect to Assad. As with Bosnia, the world’s leading countries have waited until the carnage is horiffic before seriously considering…[Read more]

  • A profit motive could be there for the US, but frankly, I don’t think so. Assad is just a bad guy, a classic tyrant over “his” people. He is another Saddam Hussein. Trump finally has caught up with where HRC was in respect to Assad. As with Bosnia, the world’s leading countries have waited until the carnage is horiffic before seriously considering…[Read more]

  • A profit motive could be there for the US, but frankly, I don’t think so. Assad is just a bad guy, a classic tyrant over “his” people. He is another Saddam Hussein. Trump finally has caught up with where HRC was in respect to Assad. As with Bosnia, the world’s leading countries have waited until the carnage is horiffic before seriously considering…[Read more]

  • A profit motive could be there for the US, but frankly, I don’t think so. Assad is just a bad guy, a classic tyrant over “his” people. He is another Saddam Hussein. Trump finally has caught up with where HRC was in respect to Assad. As with Bosnia, the world’s leading countries have waited until the carnage is horiffic before seriously considering…[Read more]

  • Obama’s call for Asad to go was right, but it contained no real bite from actual teeth. Trump is poised to completely reverse his stance over the course of one news cycle. That is the power of the press, or dead children on sea shores or sprayed with chemicals. During the campaign, Trumps warned us voters that Hillary Clinton would begin WWIII by…[Read more]

  • Obama’s call for Asad to go was right, but it contained no real bite from actual teeth. Trump is poised to completely reverse his stance over the course of one news cycle. That is the power of the press, or dead children on sea shores or sprayed with chemicals. During the campaign, Trumps warned us voters that Hillary Clinton would begin WWIII by…[Read more]

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