Utah @  Oklahoma State


  • <div class=”content-list-component bn-content-list-text text”>
    <span style=”font-weight: 400″>Obama’s call for Asad to go was right, but it contained no real bite from actual teeth. Trump is poised to completely reverse his stance over the course of one news cycle. That is the power of the press, or dead children on sea shores or sprayed with…[Read more]

  • <div class=”content-list-component bn-content-list-text text”>
    <span style=”font-weight: 400″>Obama’s call for Asad to go was right, but it contained no real bite from actual teeth. Trump is poised to completely reverse his stance over the course of one news cycle. That is the power of the press, or dead children on sea shores or sprayed with…[Read more]

  • Obama’s call for Asad to go was right, but it contained no real bite from actual teeth. Trump is poised to completely reverse his stance over the course of one news cycle. That is the power of thre press, or dead children on sea shores or strayed with chemicals. During the campaign, Trumps warned vus oters that Hillary Clinton would beginn WWIII…[Read more]

  • The grasshopper comment was meant to be fun. If that “be patient” hint was done in your opinion at your expense, please excuse me. In general, I absolutely get where you are coming from. I believe I saw a local paper asking these same questions a day or two back. Musings perhaps.

    I hated the parade of transfers from Utah under Majerus, and I hate…[Read more]

  • The grasshopper comment was meant to be fun. If that “be patient” hint was done in your opinion at your expense, please excuse me. In general, I absolutely get where you are coming from. I believe I saw a local paper asking these same questions a day or two back. Musings perhaps.

    I hated the parade of transfers from Utah under Majerus, and I hate…[Read more]

  • The grasshopper comment was meant to be fun. If that “be patient” hint was done in your opinion at your expense, please excuse me. In general, I absolutely get where you are coming from. I believe I saw a local paper asking these same questions a day or two back. Musings perhaps.

    I hated the parade of transfers from Utah under Majerus, and I hate…[Read more]

  • The grasshopper comment was meant to be fun. If that “be patient” hint was done in your opinion at your expense, please excuse me. In general, I absolutely get where you are coming from. I believe I saw a local paper asking these same questions a day or two back. Musings perhaps.

    I hated the parade of transfers from Utah under Majerus, and I hate…[Read more]

  • The grasshopper comment was meant to be fun. If that was done in your opinion at your expense, please excuse me. In general, I absolutely get where you are coming from. I believe I saw a local paper asking these same questions a day or two back. Musings perhaps.

    I hated the parade of transfers from Utah under Majerus, and I hate it just as much…[Read more]

  • UtahFanSir started the topic Coal in the forum Politics 7 years, 5 months ago

    I’m putting this note in politics, but its really information that we all need to know. Kinda like facts, but also projections that are reasonable.

    A good friend of mine is a research director for NextEra Energy Insight. I used to work for him when we were both at CERA, Cambridge Energy Research Associates, now part of IHS. He just released an…[Read more]

  • UtahFanSir started the topic Coal in the forum Politics 7 years, 5 months ago

    I’m putting this note in politics, but its really information that we all need to know. Kinda like facts, but also projections that are reasonable.

    A good friend of mine is a research director for NextEra Energy Insight. I used to work for him when we were both at CERA, Cambridge Energy Research Associates, now part of IHS. He just released an…[Read more]

  • UtahFanSir started the topic Coal in the forum Politics 7 years, 5 months ago

    I’m putting this note in politics, but its really information that we all need to know. Kinda like facts, but also projections that are reasonable.
    A good friend of mine is a research director for NextEra Energy Insight. I used to work for him when we were both at CERA, Cambridge Energy Research Associates, now part of IHS. He just released an…[Read more]

  • To be factual, since that is the point, Ted Koppel said to Sean Hannity something like, and I paraphrase, “…you prioritize idealogy over facts.” Not to quibble, but the idealogy is rhethoric, I agree.

    To use in sentence: Paul Ryan, who proved he is nothing but a stuffed shirt, was all ideology articulated as rhetoric when push came to shove.…[Read more]

  • How That Impacted The Healthcare Bill.
    As some of us expected, the President blamed Demoncrats in the final analysis. He needs them to fix what is a flawed ACA. Lesson’s learned. Good for him, I think he is about to become a better president. And we need that.

  • Given the A to F range, with some regret I voted C. I has surprised that the rating garnered the most votes. I had two issues. The first issue, despite the inflated W-L record, was that Utah was incapable of beating a very good team, with two exceptions, USC and Cal.  Utah would get close, but could not seal the deal. The loss at home in the first…[Read more]

  • Given the A to F range, with some regret I voted C. I has surprised that the rating garnered the most votes. I had two issues. The first issue, despite the inflated W-L record, was that Utah was incapable of beating a very good team, with two exceptions, USC and Cal.  Utah would get close, but could not seal the deal. The loss at home in the first…[Read more]

  • President Trump did a good job in his press conference today, establishing his position and thoughts on the failed AHCA. The AHCA failed not because of Democrats. This effort was going to be crammed down throats in the same way the existing legislation was. No good.

    I also believe he is 100% correct that significant work is required to improve…[Read more]

  • President Trump did a good job in his press conference today, establishing his position and thoughts on the failed AHCA. The AHCA failed not because of Democrats. This effort was going to be crammed down throats in the same way the existing legilation was. No good.
    I also believe he is 100% correct that significant work is required to improve the…[Read more]

  • On health care, this issue must be solved in the open with public dialog and feedback by both parties as full participants. I’ve been under the impression for the last seven years that the GOP had a better way, to solve some of the niggly issues in the current bill. But alas, they had no solution, just rhetoric.

    The US is the only first world…[Read more]

  • On health care, this issue must be solved in the open with public dialog and feedback by both parties as full participants. I’ve been under the impression for the last seven years that the GOP had a better way, to solve some of the niggly issues in the current bill. But alas, they had no solution, just rhetoric.

    The US is the only first world…[Read more]

  • On health care, this issue must be solved in the open with public dialog and feedback by both parties as full participants. I’ve been under the impression for the last seven years that the GOP had a better way, to solve some of the niggly issues in the current bill. But alas, they had no solution, just rhetoric.

    The US is the only first world…[Read more]

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