TCU @  Utah


  • Petersen has owned KW mainly because of being out coached on defense against Utah’s weak offensive OCs. Ludwig is as good of an offensive coach as Petersen and Bush Hampton (his mini me from Boise State). Utah’s defense is waaay better now along with UWs offense not nearly as good as the last few years. Utah has hung in defending UW’s offense.…[Read more]

  • Trailgoat replied to the topic #9 in AP in the forum Football 4 years, 11 months ago

    Best scenario is for Oregon and Utah win out and USC only loses one more conference game to keep their RPI up. UCLA is getting better…somewhat of a wild card. This UW game is beyond HUGE for Utah’s fate. Beating UW, Utes finish out with bye, and only one road game at UofA who has yet to face a defense like Utahs. UCLA and CU at home should be…[Read more]

  • Trailgoat replied to the topic P12 South in the forum Football 4 years, 12 months ago

    One more loss and the Utes are done. I don’t see USC losing two games.

  • Trailgoat replied to the topic 2019 Recruiting in the forum Football 4 years, 12 months ago

    Agree, the portal works in favor of schools like Utah who aren’t going to sign the top 4-5 star recruits. I would like to think Utah will get there some day on offense. Hopefully with Ludwig and the success of Moss and Huntley, Utes will land some higher level OL, WRs and a QB or two. The QB position is wide-open for recruiting at this point. Is…[Read more]

  • Trailgoat replied to the topic USC loss still has me shook. in the forum Football 5 years ago

    Yup…it’s looking today it was a must win especially now that USC seems to be playing better each week. End of season is when recruiting and depth come into play with injuries. Utes need TH and ZM to be 100% healthy for UW. I guess we’ll know more this week. Tall order for Shelley and Lisk to step in….next man up. Say all this and watch USC go…[Read more]

  • Trailgoat replied to the topic Full AP Poll in the forum Football 5 years ago

    ND and Clemson season schedules are a complete joke.

  • Devin Lloyd is playing HUGE. Dude does not get enough props. He will be an all conference player next year and should get mention this year.

  • Crazy thing is off the top of my head, Utah could reveal another glaring problem with the 4 team play-off structure. Say USC wins out, Utah goes 11-1 ranked above Oregon (OU loses to USC) and Utah ends up close to the top 6 teams, ranked above UO and USC and ends up playing in some random pretend it’s important bowl against a 3-4 loss Big10/12…[Read more]

  • Trailgoat replied to the topic I'm disappointed with Gameday in the forum Football 5 years ago

    Yeah, funny how Herbie stumbled over his words referring Zach Moss as a defensive player, then recovered during the prediction segment. Herm is an energetic-character with TV appeal. Can’t deny, Herm is building a rock solid program at ASU. His recruiting is light years ahead of Utah and ASU plays a ton of young players. I know KW does not care…[Read more]

  • Bigger tests coming with ASU and UW. Amazing what a solid OC like Ludwig can do especially only half way through a
    season with a new system install. Support of a bad ass defense getting him the ball is nice. Got to believe it’s only going to get better as the offense continues to get comfortable with the Ludwig system. Refreshing to watch an…[Read more]

  • Next three weeks tells us a lot about the Utes. NIU is 1-4, WSU..hmmm, BYU..well, you all know. USC…wild card. On the road at an improving OS, at home with ASU and Cal. Put your seat belts on. Hopefully Utah can get a good lead and spread the playing time around against OS. Utah offense should move the ball all over the Beavs. Go Utes!

  • I don’t see USC losing three especially if their coach gets fired.

  • Trailgoat replied to the topic Covey hindsight in the forum Football 5 years ago

    Agree with WM. Vickers and Henry-Cole have been solid. Vickers is molding into a smaller-faster version of Paris Warren. Paris Warren’s numbers his senior year were insane. 80 receptions for 1,076 yards, 14 TDs. 5.6 yards per carry 157 rushing yards.

    Punt returns is somewhat of a wash with Covey out. Utah seems to be playing it safe with fair…[Read more]

  • Great rebound win for Utah. WSU game at home was a good game to have especially after the WSU meltdown last week. TH was lights out. Kid is a warrior. Not sure he’s going to have the extra 1-2 seconds in the pocket like last night against ASU, UW, or Cal. Have to think USC has 1-2 more losses in them. Need UO to beat up USC and ASU. Utes need to…[Read more]

  • Trailgoat replied to the topic USC was looking past byu to us. in the forum Pac-12 5 years ago

    Not sure if you’re trying to be funny so AIA if my sarcasm meter is not calibrated. USC beat up Utah’s Oline and Utah coaches did not prepare a good game plan to defend USC’s talented WRs. KW again is a good coach unable to get his team to play as winners, that’s on him and inherent part of the program. UW is completely man-handling USC because…[Read more]

  • It’s not that Utah lost, it’s the way they lost. National audience unfortunately witnessed a poorly prepared, poorly disciplined, poorly coached team. On the coaches. Looking at the box score it’s crazy how Utah lost this game. Torched for 351 yards by a third string QB is rough. Props to USC and coach Helton. Feel bad for the Utah kids who worked…[Read more]

  • By the way it’s playing out for him he made the correct choice.

  • Trailgoat replied to the topic Positive tweet on Huntley in the forum Football 5 years ago

    Can the Utes suit up OnlyU and Butterbean/ball to play Oline? Utes need some divine intervention in the trenches.

  • Trailgoat replied to the topic Huntley Rumor in the forum Football 5 years ago

    Man…I would love to see Moss back. Part of me hopes he calls it a college career and stays healthy for the NFL. What good will coming back do at earliest for UW game for a lower grade AC separation it that’s what he has? He has more than proved his worth as a high draft pick. Why risk it. The dude is already taking a beating behind Utah’s weak…[Read more]

  • Trailgoat replied to the topic We are what we are in the forum Football 5 years ago

    Agree. Utah is definitely more in the middle of the cannibal pack. UW or Oregon win the P12 Championship. Utes looking at UW and two other losses or more with Moss out. Kyleball puts so much offensive burden on the RB and dependence on defensive scoring.

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