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Keep Rose if he wants to come back as a PWO to play TE or LB, maybe he can focus on getting a college degree which seems to be the last thing on some of these players minds these days. I get there’s probably a large number of players in the TP cut loose by their institution. Beck’s got his guys. Good hell, Utah can’t go right back to where they were last year with a gluttony of players fighting for limited reps. Rose had his shot. Dampier, Zurbrugg, Wilson, and Becker are plenty.
Man, last two years were bad. The injury’s out of Fall camp is not new. I think it was 2021 or 2022, maybe both, half of the 10 strong Olneman were out hurt when the season started. Some trickled back into the rotation, but it was a constant shuffle of players in, out, and around to different Oline positions throughout the season.
Hard saying if MM is that big of a loss considering the depth of offense issues. The entire offense including coaches minus the Oline is a redo. A restart for MM might be a good thing for him. Beck has his guys coming in to run his offense. This overhaul is relatively new for Utah and us fans. My only concern is KW staying out of the way. No shortage of off season activity.
Beck evidently sees a future system fit with IW. KW seems to be letting Beck do his job, good sign. Need to lock down Wayshawn Parker.
Maybe KW can go the Gundy and Norvell route agreeing to restructure his big contract to help support the football program. He’s all about doing what’s best for the team…right?
Hardings fine. Young BYU coaches seemlike good hires. Biggest concern, once again, will they be allowed to do their job? Don’t see any of these guys sticking around if KW extends his rehab tour to collect another fat pay check for another year or two. Utes still have zero worthy RBs, spots on the Oline and experienced WRs to fill. Long way to go. Next two weeks are crucial.
Pepa: definitely yes.
Rose, maybe if unable to find at least one or two serviceable backups fit for Becks offense. Still a risk coming off surgery. I doubt Rose gets picked up. Maybe he just wants new scenery. Can’t blame him.
Calhoun: no thanks. Utes easily find a better replacement.
Wilson not wired for Becks QB run game. Needs a fresh start in a pro-style offense
Agree. Utah coaches probably didn’t feel he was worth the investment as a player or leader who played only half the 2024 season. Didn’t play up to expectations after a good 2023 season. Take the emotion out of it, by Utah dline standards, a very average player that can’t stay on the field. Honestly, didn’t even know he was out most of the season. Probably lost in the large list of injured players. After the 10/19 TCU game, looks like he only played in the BYU game, then disappeared again. Money saved for better players that can consistently contribute. Moving onto the next man up.
Guessing the risk to reward made sense for TV exposure/revenue for CU who is hanging on to every last minute of the Sanders-Hunter show. Half the teams rarely show up to play anyway. As for the non-playoff bowls, I still enjoy watching some of the games during the holidays. Honestly, I am finding my college football interest overall migrating in the same direction as college BB. The quality of the game is getting hard to watch.
Watch out for UNLV. Dan Mullen may turn out to be the Rebel football version of Jerry Tarkanian. UNLV won’t be short of cash to pay players and Mullen knows it. At some point we’ll see the West regroup regionally especially with the fading relevance of academic arrogance from the UC schools. The current cross country conference realignment is not sustainable.