utejeph started the topic Holy War top 50 plays in the forum Football 8 years, 6 months ago
If you have time to waste this is a pretty good compilation of top 50 plays from the last decade in the Holy War. You can probably guess the #1 play, it really has been 10 years. I was finally able to see how he got so wide open, UGH!
utejeph replied to the topic Since the Vegas Bowl, where has each team improved/gotten worse? in the forum Football 8 years, 6 months ago
I watched our linebackers almost all game, I was interested to see if they were in positions to make plays by covering the gaps and executing their zone coverage. I think they did pretty well from what I could tell. They did whiff on a few tackles but so did our D-Line, we really need to clean up the tackling, Jamaal will be tough to bring down,…[Read more]
utejeph started the topic Jealous of Cougarboard in the forum Football 8 years, 6 months ago
Their topics and discussions are so active. Now I get why this is, they are a group that thrives off of confirmation bias, their whole world is based on them being able to say, look there are tons of people just like me, I’m normal. I think that about Fox News watchers as well, but I digress. I would love to see the level of activity that they…[Read more]
utejeph started the topic "I know more players than you smack" is weak in the forum Football 8 years, 6 months ago
I just saw a story on Facebook and it was basically a BYU guy talking about how two young girls are being the most vocal this morning about the Holy War, his immediate response was to bet them that he knew more players on the Utes than they did. What, so you need to be a super fan dork like us to cheer for the Utes or any other given team? Fandom…[Read more]
utejeph replied to the topic Joe Williams is a liability in the forum Football 8 years, 6 months ago
Man, I hope you are right…I see a lot of potential for Joe, I just cringe when he has the ball. Here’s to proving me wrong and making me a believer
utejeph started the topic Joe Williams is a liability in the forum Football 8 years, 6 months ago
Last week in chat I mentioned the one thing I wanted to see was Joe not to have a fumble in the game. It seems that he is good for at least one per game, and the SUU game proved no different. I think he is a good back, but damn, what is it with his fumbles and ball security? I actually think we see McCormick more in the game. Based on the SUU game…[Read more]
utejeph replied to the topic BYU Ticket Question from SEC Country in the forum Football 8 years, 7 months ago
This is definitely a game that you want to see as a college football fan, the rivalry is intense and the atmosphere will be great. Like others have said, expect to pay a premium for the tickets, even outside the stadium. Might be helpful to wait a bit until after kickoff to get some better prices. At a minimum go hang out at the tailgate lot.
utejeph replied to the topic WAKE UP, BITCHES! IT'S MUDDAFUGGIN' GAME DAY!!! in the forum Football 8 years, 7 months ago
Twice posted, twice as nice
utejeph replied to the topic Fun with cfbtrivia, pt. 3 in the forum Football 8 years, 7 months ago
Awesome 6-0 today and 6 in a row next week
utejeph replied to the topic So looks like Norris is done for season after injury on 5th down. in the forum Football 9 years, 5 months ago
After the game I was down on the field and I saw Norris taking pictures with fans and signing autographs. I don’t think someone who was done for the season would be out there after the game. I think he will be in the USC game.
utejeph replied to the topic Tailgating in the forum Football 9 years, 5 months ago
Most of the lots are pay lots for game now, however most all of them allow you to set up a tailgate. I think you will pay $20/car in most lots.
utejeph started the topic If we just had…We'd be great. in the forum Football 9 years, 6 months ago
So we have a really interesting match up this Saturday. Two teams who spent the whole of the 2014 season saying to themselves, if we just had this one more piece we’d be a great team.
For the past two years, Cal has had a good to great offense, which didn’t matter much because their defense couldn’t keep points of the board. This left Cal fans…[Read more]
utejeph replied to the topic Utah will win Saturday IF: (________) in the forum Football 9 years, 6 months ago
Wilson passes for over 250 yards. I know that is a tall task, but if that happens, Booker will get his 100+ and we will win.
utejeph replied to the topic Kenneth Scott has got it all in the forum Football 9 years, 6 months ago
I have been waiting for years for K. Scott to really break out. He has great hands and really excels at the jump balls. I just think that our offense just doesn’t fit his style of play.
utejeph replied to the topic oregonian pac 12 power rankings. utes #1? i don't think so. link below in the forum Football 9 years, 6 months ago
I don’t really put much weight in this, but I do have to say that it makes me feel pretty good that our boys are getting respect. We have a good team this year and the potential to be great. I am always optimistic about the Utes, but I think if there is a year to win the PAC, this is it.
utejeph replied to the topic Campaign to get people to bring more Utes here…? in the forum Football 9 years, 6 months ago
There is so much I really like about Utefans. As a donor I like how the feed reads, it is a lot more like how I use social media, I quickly scroll through it and read what I want and quickly scroll past the rest. Something this site doesn’t do yet. I also really enjoy the multi media functionality. Some of the posts would be average if not for the…[Read more]
utejeph replied to the topic Uniforms for Oregon? in the forum Football 9 years, 6 months ago
Love the throwback uniforms that were announced for Homecoming. Would like to see something like that for our “normal” uniforms. For this game I want all white with White helmets.
utejeph replied to the topic Campaign to get people to bring more Utes here…? in the forum Football 9 years, 6 months ago
This is the best way in my opinion.
utejeph started the topic Not Catholic, but excited for the Pope's US visit. in the forum Football 9 years, 6 months ago
Oops sorry, wrong board, carry on…
utejeph replied to the topic prediction for Oregon in the forum Football 9 years, 6 months ago
I really feel like we get this one. 26-24 Utes.
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