Onlyu started the topic Love this class… in the forum Football 4 years, 3 months ago
Best we’ve ever had (again) and plenty of room to make it even better (and we will)!!! Enjoy the game tomorrow…gonna be plenty of ear to ear grins for the next 3-5 years maybe even sooner than later.
Onlyu replied to the topic Bartle is vague tweeting. I assume it's bad news. in the forum Football 5 years, 4 months ago
I don’t think this one relates to us…that’s just my opinion though!
Onlyu replied to the topic Can we please reduce the "Paging OnlyU" posts, for his sake? in the forum Football 5 years, 4 months ago
Haha…I’m not Whit and I don’t mind sharing info when I can, if I can.
Go Utes!!!! Can’t wait for this Saturday!!
Onlyu replied to the topic How bad is Huntley injury? How healthy will he be – 75%? 90%? Paging OnlyU. in the forum Football 5 years, 5 months ago
I expect Tyler to be quite a bit more mobile this week. Grade 1 MCL is typically 1-3 weeks so fingers crossed he’s closer to 2. Big game this week…came out very healthy outside of Kuithe on Saturday so should be close to full strength.
Cannot wait for this game. Go Utes!
Onlyu replied to the topic OnlyU any updates on Huntley? in the forum Football 5 years, 5 months ago
Tyler’s status hasn’t been decided as of last night. Still trying to evaluate his effectiveness vs. the risk. If he can’t go Lisk is the 2.
Onlyu replied to the topic Whitt seems pretty confident in Lisk in the forum Football 5 years, 5 months ago
Everyone associated with the program is confident in Lisk. He’s earned what he’s gotten in both his preparation and understanding of the offense and he’s practiced better than Shelley in most weeks. He doesn’t make many mistakes and usually makes great decisions. Shelley is clearly capable but IMO was better suited in last years offense…[Read more]
Onlyu replied to the topic Covey Red Shirt in the forum Football 5 years, 6 months ago
He’s not 100% and works really hard just to be ready to get out there each week. Has another soft tissue injury bothering him as well that is minor enough to play through but limits him some. He hasn’t had a chance to work on his body/craft, as he has mentioned, since coming off his mission, jumping right into camp and then losing the knee. Thi…[Read more]
Onlyu replied to the topic Zack in the forum Football 5 years, 6 months ago
Yes…Pac12 special with Yogi yesterday. Zach is doubtful for this week still IMO but then with the bye and Oregon St I wonder if if it makes sense to hold him out until ASU to make sure he’s 100%. Should be able to beat OSU without him right? That said, he’s a real “football player” so might be tough to keep him off the field until then.…[Read more]
Onlyu replied to the topic Butterball Jones Tweet on Huntley in the forum Football 5 years, 6 months ago
Tyler is in a boot…a few others are as well by the way. Most participated in walk through’s however. Doesn’t usually happen if they don’t expect to play so he’s probable in NFL terms. Not that uncommon to see precautionary measures taken to protect minor injuries. No new info on Zach. Depends on how he heals and responds to treatme…[Read more]
Onlyu replied to the topic HELP US ONLYU in the forum Football 5 years, 6 months ago
Haha…optimism at it’s best. Love it. I’m personally hoping for a short 3 weeks. Think we can run on them some regardless this week. Add the bye and be ready the following week is probably best case scenario from my point of view. A lot of variables in play.
Again I hope to know more tomorrow.
Onlyu replied to the topic HELP US ONLYU in the forum Football 5 years, 6 months ago
Questionable is the only word I can use right now.
Onlyu replied to the topic Huntley Rumor in the forum Football 5 years, 6 months ago
Lisk was the 2 for the 3rd straight week at S.C. He’s earned everything in front of him. If the coaches started Nacua over Thompson would you trust that? Dixon over Simpkins? We wouldn’t say a thing here…hell most wouldn’t notice. Point is you trust the coaching staff, last weeks prep notwithstanding, so why wouldn’t you trust them now.…[Read more]
Onlyu replied to the topic HELP US ONLYU in the forum Football 5 years, 6 months ago
I’ll know more tomorrow but If Vegas hasn’t taken it off the board as a 6-7 point favorite then I don’t think there is any definitive news on Tyler yet and they’re leaning towards him playing. If it goes “off” then we may have an issue. They’re not about giving away free money and I don’t think either Lisk or Shelley would be favored by that…[Read more]
Onlyu replied to the topic OnlyU – I need a pep talk in the forum Football 5 years, 6 months ago
I think Coach Whitt said it best…it’s a very mature and experienced team. Most of the impact guys have been to their place before so that shouldn’t be an issue. I think you’ll see them try and stop Zach and the playbook opens up in the throw game. Tyler has been incredibly efficient so far and honestly I expect nothing less tomorrow night…[Read more]
Onlyu replied to the topic Anyone know the stays of our injured players? in the forum Football 5 years, 6 months ago
My guess is we’ll be pretty close to full strength next week on the injury front.
Onlyu replied to the topic Are we protecting Covey? in the forum Football 5 years, 6 months ago
Muscle tightness in warm ups…completely precautionary. Was dressed and ready to go in the first half. Nice to have the depth we do on the defensive line.
Onlyu replied to the topic What happened to Fotu? in the forum Football 5 years, 6 months ago
Yes…more precautionary than anything. He’ll be good to go soon.
Onlyu replied to the topic Those of you wondering if Rising starts next year… in the forum Football 5 years, 6 months ago
Merit based. Lisk has earned it so far.
Onlyu replied to the topic ONLYU or anyone else with insider information in the forum Football 5 years, 6 months ago
I think it makes sense for them to sit out the next two weeks. Good chance they’re not fully healthy so I doubt they go. If that happens it gives us a chance to develop the depth behind them. Not a terrible scenario.
Onlyu replied to the topic My biggest concern for the Utes this week is in the forum Football 5 years, 6 months ago
Two DB’s will be fine…two OL are most likely just sprained ankles. Sometimes they’re tricky though. Just depends how they respond. Don’t think it’s anything major but time will tell.
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