uteof replied to the topic Kevin Young acting like a little bitch in the forum Basketball (Men) 2 months ago
I’ve been watching Ute basketball since Arnie Ferron, Vern Gardner, Wat Misaka, Dick Smuin and Leon Watson played. Whining is part of the culture at tds. Incidentally, I started watching football at the University in Utah in 1947 when my brother was discharged from the navy after WWII.
uteof replied to the topic What has been your favorite rivalry game of your lifetime? in the forum Football 4 months, 2 weeks ago
Years of Utah v. Utah State on thanksgiving.
uteof started the topic Blame the quarterback in the forum Football 5 months ago
It’s easy to blame the quarterback. However, last night several times the receivers weren’t open in the brief time Isaac had to throw the ball.
uteof started the topic Doing well in the forum Football 5 months ago
Other than defense, offense and special team play being awful, we’re doing well. Even the announcers suggested that the offense needs some creativity.
uteof started the topic Baylor/Southwest Conference in the forum Football 6 months, 2 weeks ago
The Southwest Conference included Texas, Texas Tech, Texas A&M, Arkansas, SMU, TCU, Baylor and Rice. Rice students described the Southwest Conference as 4 state schools, 3 church schools and one university.
uteof replied to the topic Biggest fears going in to the new conference. in the forum Football 7 months, 1 week ago
The temperature in Houston may be tolerable, but the humidity is probably going to be over 90%. In our three years there the Texas never very close to 100 degrees, but the humidity was a killer, frequently above 95%. Teams from other areas, even in Texas, had a tough time.
Stillwater is bound to be tough. They’ll probably have SLC-type t…[Read more]
uteof replied to the topic So Mike Gundy has a pretty smooth brain in the forum Football 8 months, 1 week ago
When we lived in Oklahoma City we explained how to get to Stillwater from OKC: Drive North until you smell it and East until you step in it. This clown fits.
uteof replied to the topic George K's Master Plan (Please be true) – for Discussion in the forum Football 2 years, 2 months ago
A friend suggested that the conference should poach the Big 12. Several are research universities with medical schools and good athletic departments, so they’d be good fits and are regionally more appropriate.
uteof replied to the topic Arnie Ferrin has passed away in the forum Basketball (Men) 2 years, 2 months ago
He was my first sports hero. My sister helped me make a scrapbook of the Utes at that time. When we moved back to Utah from Oklahoma in 1977 I got an appointment with him. We talked and I explained that the scrapbook was important to me, but I wanted him to have it. It was special to give it to him. He thanked me profusely and told me a fire had…[Read more]
uteof started the topic USC coach in the forum Football 2 years, 3 months ago
When I realized the USC head football coach was hired away from Oklahoma it all made sense. We lived in Oklahoma during the Switzer era and the program has been a disgusting show ever since. A representative of OU was caught having changed high school grade records of a recruit from south Texas to make him eligible. Switzer was said to be a…[Read more]
uteof replied to the topic I see in the forum Football 2 years, 3 months ago
I thought it was because he played most of three quarters on his back.
uteof started the topic When we tied the game in the forum Football 2 years, 3 months ago
I felt certain that the good guys would win. I don’t know why, but I was sure about the outcome. When we lived in Texas there was a term describing last night: Utah opened a big can of whupass.
uteof replied to the topic Who on here attended a game at the Einar Neilsen Fieldhouse? in the forum Basketball (Men) 3 years, 1 month ago
My spelling stinks today, so there are errors here. I only go back to the time when Vadal Petersen was the coach and Arnie Feron, Vern Gardner, Wat Misaka, Fred Weidner, Leon Watson played. I was the same year at the U as Billy McGill and watched him in each of his home games. I even climbed onto the roof from the inside and watched a football…[Read more]
uteof replied to the topic Travel thread… Lets hear about places you've been that you would recommend in the forum Misc 3 years, 2 months ago
I’ve loved the places in Mexico; St Thomas in the Virgin Islands; San German and San Juan, Puerto Rico. I loved the drive from Salt Lake to Anchorage 3300 wonderful, beautiful camping miles.
uteof replied to the topic Comcast, Dish, Direct TV in the forum Misc 4 years, 4 months ago
I’m not exactly computer illiterate, but close. Someone suggested Sling TV. What do I need? We have two people in our household working from home and it’s all internet work. Can I still use Sling?
uteof replied to the topic Friendly reminder that Utah would be playing today in the forum Football 4 years, 4 months ago
He’s what we would have called a spherical butthead when I was in college. No matter how you look at him he’s still a butthead. Ok, I paraphrased to use “butthead”.
uteof started the topic Comcast, Dish, Direct TV in the forum Misc 4 years, 4 months ago
I’m at war with Comcast. Is there a way to watch Ute sports without using Dish or Comcast?
uteof replied to the topic University of Utah, Hall of Famer Larry Wilson died today in the forum Football 4 years, 6 months ago
I remember him, both as a Ute and in the NFL. He’s one of my favorite players of all time. He was considered the toughest player in the NFL. The safety blitz was designed for him. Helluva a player, good guy. I remember seeing him intercept a pass (NFL) with both hands in casts. Remarkable man. I have great memories. I can see his face in my mind.
uteof replied to the topic Trouble in the forum Misc 4 years, 6 months ago
I think I just moved it to “miscellaneous”. It’s in this category that most political trash appears. Thanks.
uteof replied to the topic Trouble in the forum Misc 4 years, 6 months ago
I think people who bring politics into this forum are assholes. I don’t care about your politics and don’t want to hear your snotty comments. This is a UTE forum where we talk about Utah sports and bitch and whine about other schools. If you want to talk politics go to some other site. That goes for implied stuff as well as explicit: demos this,…[Read more]
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