UTE Stuck in VA

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    • #165042
      UTE Stuck in VA

      I’ve made the trip several times. It’s about sixes on whether you take I-80 all the way then go down to VA, or take I-70 all the way and go up to VA. We’ve done both, just to see different things. Seems like it’s about 30-32 hours, which we did in 3 days of about 10 hours per day.  I’ve always wanted to do the trip slowly and take our time to see and do things along the way, but never had the time to do it.

    • #21804
      UTE Stuck in VA

      I was a teenager when UFC first started.  I was obsessed with the first few UFCs, when it actually paired different martial arts styles against each other.  Those were some killer (and often hillarious) fights.  Once everyone started doing jiu jitsu and muay thai MMA, it lost its luster for me.  I still enjoy watching it, but don’t follow it.

      Not that this post has anything to do with your original question though. Lol. Sorry.

    • #3640
      UTE Stuck in VA

      That’s just a poor angle. From the other angles, it is clear that the arm is in front of him, moving side to side as he moves back and to the side. His hand doesn’t go higher than his shoulder.

    • #1040
      UTE Stuck in VA

      I listen to local sports radio for pre- and post-game shows, but that’s it. I can’t stand anything else they put out.

    • #165088
      UTE Stuck in VA

      That made me laugh

    • #21806
      UTE Stuck in VA

      When I heard the news that only A-Rod was being let go, this is exactly what I thought: Harding is it.


      I like Harding and what he has done with the O-line, but I feel like having Co-OCs is like having dual quarterbacks–if neither is good enough to distinguish himself from the other, then neither is good.  I hope we keep harding, but I hope we get a new OC.  Until we do though, I’m afraid you are right that we already have our OC.

    • #4048
      UTE Stuck in VA

      Hell yes. Some pathetic TDS fans will show up, but there is no reason for any Utah fan to mention anything about that team.

    • #2725
      UTE Stuck in VA

      I’m really interested to see if this injury affects Travis’s intensity. I’ve never sprained a shoulder, but I can’t imagine it is 100% after just a few weeks. I wonder if he is going to shy away from hits (maybe not always a bad thing, btw).

    • #2724
      UTE Stuck in VA

      I feel like we need to hold Oregon under 30 in order to win. Our defense can do it…..if we don’t get burned in the secondary.

      Wishful thinking?

    • #1036
      UTE Stuck in VA

      Same here. I tried to be an active poster over there, at one time, but it just wasn’t worth it. Instead, I ended up lurking there almost on a daily basis for news and updates about the team, but that’s it. Here’s to making this site kick ass.

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