Utah @  Oklahoma State


  • A few have voiced their displeasure(?), confusion(?), frustration(?) with Penn State remaining in the top 10 after beating Appalachian State.
    In 2008, were you bothered when Utah moved up from #11 to #10 after beating a 4-5 at the time, and eventually 4-8, New Mexico team by a score of just 13-10?
    That Appalachian State win will probably end up…[Read more]

  • Agenda? What agenda?

  • Those are two very encouraging positives. But they are somewhat dampened by the turnovers and WR drops. I would much rather have a few more penalties if it meant 2 or 3 fewer turnovers.

  • 41-0 & 414 – That is the score and total yardage we put up against Northern Colorado in 2012. 
    70-7 & 628 – That is the score and total yardage we put up against Weber State in 2013. 
    We finished 5-7 both of those seasons.
    Now, I’m not saying we are going to finish 5-7, I actually think we will go 9-3 or 10-2. But the point is this: There is…[Read more]

  • Agenda? Whatever. Beating Weber State is not the same as beating UNLV or CSU as both of those teams would be almost guaranteed to beat the Wildcats and both have rosters full of players that are better than Weber’s best player. 

    Sloppy is 4 turnovers vs an FCS team.

    Sloppy is not generating a single turnover vs an FCS team.

    Sloppy is 5/14 on…[Read more]

  • Utah – I had us going 10-2 with losses to Stanford and Oregon. I feel less confident about our chances against ASU, Colorado, and BYU who all looked signifcantly better than they were a year ago. Right now I say we finish 9-3 with the additional loss coming @ ASU or @ Colorado.
    BYU – I had them at 6-6 with wins against Cal, McNeese St., Hawaii,…[Read more]

  • UteThunder started the topic Arizona Run D in the forum Football 6 years ago

    Makes Swiss Cheese look like a brick wall.

  • UteThunder replied to the topic Khalil Tate in the forum Football 6 years ago

    Maybe he’s regretting that “I didn’t come here to run the option” tweet. He sure is being mismanaged/underutilized by Sumlin and co.

  • UteThunder started the topic Khalil Tate in the forum Football 6 years ago

    I didn’t watch much of Arizona last year other than when we played them. Does Tate always look this disinterested? Every time they show him on the sideline he looks like he would rather be anywhere but in this game.

  • I think he was trying to get the DE and LB to bite more to the middle to open things more for his RB on the outside. If he had gotten the pitch off, they probably score there.

  • UteThunder started the topic Targeting Penalties in the forum Football 6 years ago

    If we are going to eject players for targeting, then there should be different levels of targeting similar to flagrant fouls in the NBA.
    So many targeting penalties are questionable, even with slow-motion replay. For blatant targeting(think, crown of the helmet to the facemask), yeah, eject that player. But for so many other plays where it’s…[Read more]

  • The Masters is great. Super Bowl Sunday is awesome. The start of March Madness is crazy. But this weekend . . . the first full weekend of COLLEGE FOOTBALL is the absolute best! Starting Thursday, we get 5 straight days of college football and it’s Labor Day weekend as a bonus. It is by far my favorite weekend of sports the entire year.

    I’ll be…[Read more]

  • The Masters is great. Super Bowl Sunday is awesome. The start of March Madness is crazy. But this weekend . . . the first full weekend of COLLEGE FOOTBALL is the absolute best! It is by far my favorite weekend of sports the entire year.
    I’ll be watching a ton of football this weekend, but here’s the games that really have my interest . .…[Read more]

  • UteThunder replied to the topic Aaron Roderick in the forum Football 6 years ago

    I didn’t say “improvement”, I said “perform well”. I would base that on if his QBs perform better for him there than they did when he was here.

    Yes, there will be a difference between the schedules he’ll face there and the schedules he faced most recently here. But there is adequate grounds for comparison. A-Rod was our OC while we were still in…[Read more]

  • UteThunder started the topic Truth Serum in the forum Football 6 years ago

    There are three coaches I would love to give truth serum to and get their thoughts on our team’s talent level vs other places.
    Gary Andersen: He left after the ’08-’09 Sugar Bowl season and has come back after the team has been replenished with years of Pac-12 recruiting. How does our current talent stack up vs what it was when he was last here?…[Read more]

  • UteThunder started the topic Aaron Roderick in the forum Football 6 years ago

    Coach A-Rod wasn’t very highly thought of by most Ute fans. The criticism was always that his position groups were the weakest and most underperforming on the team and/or showed little to no improvement from one year to the next. And A-Rod was to blame.
    If the BYU QBs perform well under him, I wonder if the opinions of his coaching abilities will…[Read more]

  • I’m with the preacher. Haven’t seen anyone call Harding terrible, at least not that I recall, but there are a bunch who think he is the Nick Saban of OL coaches. In reality, he seems like ‘just’ a good OL coach. Not great, not bad, just good.

  • Making the Hallandale Trio or whatever they’re called, Huntley #1, Moss #2, and Simpkins #3.

  • Those are the two for me as well. I lean towards Washington being bigger because it sets the tone for the season. If we win that game, then we are legit contenders for not only the South but for the Pac-12 title. If we lose, then we are behind in the race right from the get go and maybe doubt creeps in that we aren’t good enough. 


  • Can’t really disagree with any of that, especially the 4 wins when they should have had many more given how weak their schedule was. They like to point to the difficulty of their schedule to help explain the 4 wins, but their SOS was ranked in the 70s or 80s and they lost to UMass. 

    I still think the rumors would have leaked out a bit more…[Read more]

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