
  • @PorterRockwell I don’t think you understand how BAC levels work.

    .05 is .05, the size of the individual doesn’t change the level of inebriation.

  • The other day I caught a soundbite from Sitake on the radio.


    He was discussing a RB’s pass catching abilities and the contributions he could make in their, wait for it . . . . . . . . . . . “THROW GAME!


    I’m delighted to hear this abomination make its way into the lexicon of BYU coaching vernacular. Lord knows the toll it has taken on our…[Read more]

  • The other day I caught a soundbite from Sitake on the radio.
    He was discussing a RB’s pass catching abilities and the contributions he could make in their, wait for it . . . . . . . “THROW GAME!
    I’m delighted to hear this abomination make its way into the lexicon of BYU coaching vernacular. Lord knows the toll it has taken on our offense…[Read more]

  • It’s not just the one time cost of the iPhone. They also have to buy a phone for their spouse and each of their kids. And then they have to pay the monthly bill for each of those lines. And of course, when the latest model of smart phone comes out, they have to upgrade to that as well. So rather than have a land line with a bill of $35 per month,…[Read more]

  • Lady mentioned below how BYU fans seem to believe that Sitake is their savior and how much better he is than Mendenhall.
    I don’t understand where they get this idea that Sitake is so much better than Bronco.
    In 2015 Bronco led BYU to a 9-4 record against a schedule rated #65 by Sagarin.
    In 2016 Sitake led BYU to a 9-4 record against a schedule…[Read more]

  • Leftist asks questions and gets a response.

    Leftist doesn’t like the response he is getting but lacks any kind of a rebuttal with substance to it so he resorts to condescension and sarcasm.

    Have I logged in to utefans.net?

    At least you didn’t go for the trifecta and resort to personal attacks, so kudos for that.

  • Well then, let’s just not even try to secure the border if it’s only going to keep the good guys out . . .

    Maybe I’ll stop locking my front door, I mean, it’s only going to keep the honest people from robbing me, right?  

  • You showed up right after FFU left.

    Your posting frequency is pretty much the same as FFU’s was before he left.

    You have the same posting style/typos as FFU.

    You have the same political stances as FFU, at least as far as I can tell.

    And prior to his leaving, FFU was posting links on a regular basis to that same website you just linked to.

    One…[Read more]

  • UteThunder replied to the topic The OC in the forum Football 8 years, 2 months ago

    Your BIL isn’t very smart.

    Chip Kelly’s last year at Oregon:

    Overall Record 12-1

    Pac-12 Record 8-1

    Points Scored by Week(Pac12 in Bold) – 57, 42, 63, 49, 51, 52, 43, 70, 62, 59, 14, 48, 35

    It is clear that the Pac-12 defenses had figured out Chip Kelly’s offense, as evidenced by the measly 50 points per game they averaged in Pac-12 play.…[Read more]

  • To AZSwayze:

    Majerus was “quirky” . . . ?

    Are you kidding me?

    Answering your hotel room door butt-naked is “quirky”? 

    Stripping down to nothing but your gym shoes in the middle of practice in the Huntsman Center is “quirky”?

    No, those are behaviors that can get you on the sex offender registry.

    Majerus was an incredible basketball coach, but…[Read more]

  • To AZSwayze:
    Majerus was “quirky” . . . ?
    Are you kidding me?
    Answering your hotel room door butt-naked is “quirky”? 
    Stripping down to nothing but your gym shoes in the middle of practice in the Huntsman Center is “quirky”?
    No, those are behaviors that can get you on the sex offender registry.
    Majerus was an incredible basketball coach, but…[Read more]

  • Pedro, it’s not as complicated as it sounds. If Harding was promoted for being so great, he would still be the OC. He would have just been given the extra title as a bonus. Whit clearly didn’t think Harding was the answer at OC but didn’t want to lose him from the staff. The only way he was going to keep him was to give him a token “promotion”…[Read more]

  • G. Bolles – He gone. Dude has all of the measurables and is old by NFL Draft standards(24 years old). I would love to have him come back but I am 99.9% sure he is leaving.
    M. Williams – 50/50 chance he enters NFL Draft. Having missed a few games due to injury, I believe there is a chance he comes back to improve his draft position. But it is just…[Read more]

  • It’s crazy to think we were two plays away from playing Penn State in the Rose Bowl.
    If we had punched it in against Cal and if that Oregon WRs foot had been 1 inch over, Rose Bowl is where we would have ended up.
    On the plus side, Penn State would have smashed us so maybe we are better off . . . . this time. 

  • I love this hire. 
    I love it that Whit didn’t wait until signing day to get rid of A-Rod.
    I love it that Whit didn’t wait until signing day to make a hire.
    I love it that this is someone from outside of the program and outside of Whit’s usual circle.
    I love it that we will have ONE offensive coordinator.
    I love it that our new OC is a former…[Read more]

  • To those who are defending Harding and think he should be the OC, please explain yourselves.
    It seems the argument you folks favor is that the run game was great so obviously he did a bang up job, but how much of the success in the run game was due to Harding and how much was due to Joe Williams simply being great?
    I would say about 90% of our…[Read more]

  • but you can always count on a Festivus miracle!
    Here’s to hoping we bring in a new OC who brings in a coupld of his own guys and knows what the hell he is doing and Harding is demoted to OL coach or is let go altogether.
    If we keep Harding as OC and promote a couple of GAs to fill the two openings, so help me god . . . 

  • Looking at our offensive production since joining the Pac-12, I found some interesting info. Looking strictly at Pac-12 play, last year and this year have been the two best seasons as far as Scoring Offense and Total Offense goes.
    Knowing this, I feel very conflicted regarding A-Rod and Harding.
    On the one hand, they seem to be terrible OCs and…[Read more]

  • It is remarkable, but a little less so when you take a closer look at who the 21 wins have come against.

    5 FCS teams

    5 P5 teams(Pitt, GT, Mich, Mich, IU)

    11 G5 teams

    The 5 FCS teams are gimmes, so no big deal there. The P5s are tougher, but 3 of them had losing records(Pitt, Mich, & IU); only GT and one of the Michigan teams had winning…[Read more]

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