GLoo replied to the topic Cam Rising seen in Splint yesterday signing autographs in the forum Football 5 months ago
I put this on during a break so maybe more doomy than I meant; to be fair there are a few more minor things it could be as well. If he did have only a deep laceration in a volar crease the therapist could have them in flexion to help healing. I’ve certainly done that before, I’ve seen heavy scabbing in some wounds last for 6+ weeks. Usually when…[Read more]
GLoo's profile was updated 5 months ago
GLoo replied to the topic Cam Rising seen in Splint yesterday signing autographs in the forum Football 5 months ago
lurker and hand therapist here… two dorsal blocking splints with PIP in flexion could be a myriad of injuries but all of them have a long recovery and can be huge buggers. dislocations are complicated at those joints and could have involvement of some extensor tendon structures. they can be very painful and difficult manage especially if he’s…[Read more]
GLoo replied to the topic The other important thing to ask is what will Utah be wearing? in the forum Football 8 years, 4 months ago
all red is still my favorite
GLoo replied to the topic The new Utah team motto? in the forum Football 9 years, 5 months ago
speaking of which anyone have a torrent for the drive?
GLoo became a registered member 9 years, 5 months ago