Yngve replied to the topic New TE Coming? in the forum Football 3 months ago
That’s a pretty strong allegation (and there doesn’t seem to be anything online about it). Is this just a rumor, or has it been validated?
Yngve replied to the topic New TE Coming? in the forum Football 3 months ago
That’s a pretty strong allegation (and there doesn’t seem to be anything online about it). Is this just a rumor, or has it been validated?
Yngve replied to the topic Rank the coaching changes in the forum Football 3 months, 1 week ago
we. need. a. new. special. teams. coordinator.
Honestly, I’m ambivalent about Shah as a DB/CB coach (and could care less about the real housewives drama). But Special Teams used to be a strong point for Utah, and now we can’t even get a kicker who can give us consistent touchbacks or design coverage schemes to prevent multiple runbacks for TDs.
Yngve replied to the topic Bouwmeister to Texas. in the forum Football 3 months, 1 week ago
I can only hope that fans will pressure the NCAA (or possibly legislative intervention) to create some sort of correction in the next couple of years. I can definitely envision a salary cap for the school contributions, and perhaps some sort of combined cap for all $$ associated with a team and/or a requirement that there be a demonstrable quid…[Read more]
Yngve replied to the topic A healthy Cam Rising would be a perfect fit for Beck's offense in the forum Football 3 months, 2 weeks ago
The ankle scooter and fact that his fingers were *still* taped during the Iowa State game doesn’t seem to indicate health
Yngve changed their profile picture 3 months, 2 weeks ago
Yngve replied to the topic High recruited Iowa State QB, JJ Kohl to the portal in the forum Football 3 months, 2 weeks ago
And the same height as Travis Wilson
Yngve started the topic Pump the brakes in the forum Football 3 months, 2 weeks ago
Admittedly a recent member (tho I’ve been monitoring the OC discussion for awhile)
I think it’s worth remembering that an interview with a candidate doesn’t equal a hire. Both parties have their own priorities – maybe someone wants to stay in their home state, maybe someone wants more control over process. This is a competitive process, and…[Read more]
Yngve became a registered member 3 months, 2 weeks ago